Harry Styles Hit in the Crotch by Flying Water Bottle: 7 Times He's Been Pelted With Something in Concert

One Direction boy-bander has to avoid women's bras, tampons, shoes and beyond every time he takes the stage

By Rebecca Macatee Sep 11, 2015 8:11 PMTags

Didn't we already establish how to get Harry Styles' attention in concert?!

Bastardize the English language all you want, but do not under any circumstances throw a foreign object at the poor boy onstage—especially not at his face or his crotch. Unfortunately, some "fans" (if we can really call someone who intentionally puts that face or those family jewels in harm's way a fan) have taken to hurling things at the One Direction boy-bander while he's onstage. Most recently, he was pelted in the penis with a water bottle at Ottawa's Canadian Tire Centre. 

As you can see in the video above, Harry literally doubles over in pain upon impact...

Can't we all agree we want this young man to have kids someday? His genes need to be passed on.

His picture perfect face needs to remain intact, too. Last week, a "fan" put Harry's moneymaker in jeopardy when she threw a can of Red Bull at his face during a show. Anne Twist, Harry's mother, was rightfully upset. "So dangerous," she tweeted, followed by the angry emoji. "THINK!!"

Most fans agreed, but some took it a little too far. Mama Twist told Directioners "not turn to bullying" the girl who threw the can, as that "serves no purpose." Her advice? "Please just learn from the incident & be kind."

Let's hope... Prior to the crotch-shot or can-to-the-face incidents, though, there were even more things hurled at Harry in concert. Back in March, when Harry, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson returned to the stage for the first time without Zayn Malik, fans initially thought you-know-who was overcome with emotion. Harry, yes, shed some tears, but as it turns out, these waterworks were most likely the result of being hit in the eye with a glow stick (and not just being sensitive).

Now, Harry's had plenty of bras thrown his way through the years—those are soft, at least, but still potentially damaging. (For one, the boy is prone to slipping, and also, what if the underwire scratches his perfect skin?!)

There was also that time back in 2013 when some a fan-flung shoe nailed Harry in the crotch. (She later apologized, but as Austin Powers would say, "Who throws a shoe? Honestly!")

Back in 2012, Harry mentioned he'd been hit in the face by a tampon mid-performance.

There was also the incident in which Harry not only caught a penis necklace thrown his way, but he went ahead and wore it.

See? Harry totally has a sense of humor about all this! We just don't want to see him get hurt. Also, One Direction can't stand to lose another member.

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