
Why Malin Åkerman Shaved Off Her Eyebrows—and Will She Be in the Avengers Movie?

The blond beauty talks about her new dramedy, happythankyoumoreplease, and rumors that she's up for the female lead in the superhero flick

By Marc Malkin Jun 20, 2010 5:03 PMTags
Malin AkermanMichael Buckner/Getty Images

Who's gonna be the female star of the upcoming Avengers movie?

If the rumors are to be believed, it's come down to a battle between the gorgeousnesses of Malin Åkerman and Alice Eve.

However, there's a little problem with that…

Åkerman tells me it's not to be believed.

"I saw that [on the internet] and I copied and pasted it to my agent," Åkerman told me last night at the Maui Film Festival screening of happythankyoupleasemore, an indie ensemble dramedy in which she plays a woman living with alopecia (yes, she shaved her eyebrows for the part). "He was like, ‘Where did you get this?' He called the studio and it was just a made-up rumor unfortunately."

Not that Åkerman wouldn't welcome the idea of being considered for a role in the superhero flick, which is being directed by Joss Whedon. "Maybe it'll influence the studio to go ahead and be like, ‘Hey, how about Malin Åkerman for the part?'" she laughed. "But for now, it's just a rumor. I don't know how it started."

Paper Street Films

As for happythankyoumoreplease, it not only stars How I Met Your Mother funny man Josh Radnor, but it also marks his writing and directing debut. "He's so intelligent," Åkerman said of Radnor. "You're just stricken by his intellect. He's well spoken and he has some amazing visions.

"My husband and I were chilling with him the other night," she continued. "When we walked away my husband goes ‘Wow, that guy thinks a lot.' He really does."

Now, what about shavng her eyebrows? "It was interesting taking a shower because so much more water got in my eyes," she said. "You don't realize how useful your eyebrows are."

I've got more for you from Maui. Check back later on for my chat with Radnor, Justin Chambers and to find out what Åkerman told me about working with Katie Holmes and hanging with baby Suri.

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Speaking of superhero movies, get the latest on the upcoming reboot of Spider-Man right here.