All of Game of Thrones' Most-Hated Characters Who Totally Need To Die Next Season

Season five saw a lot of new villains do some unspeakable things. They need to be punished. SHAME.

By Sydney Bucksbaum Jun 17, 2015 11:00 PMTags
Iwan Rheon, Brennock O’Connor, Lena Headey, Game Of ThronesHBO

On Game of Thrones, it's so, so good to be bad.

HBO's fantasy series has proven time and time again that good men don't even finish last...they usually die before they can even reach the finish line. Take a look at literally any episode from the past five seasons, and you'll find this to be depressingly true. 

But it was the season five finale that really drove this point home, when (spoiler alert!) the most noble dude in all the land, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) was figuratively stabbed in the back and literally stabbed in the front over and over by his fellow Night's Watch brothers...all because he showed mercy and compassion to the Wildlings stuck north of the Wall, destined to die in the impending White Walker invasion. He was killed for doing the right thing.

We never said this show was fair!

So in lieu of Westeros dealing out justice to all the terrible people who keep doing awful things to good people, we decided it's high time for us to play judge, jury and executioner on all the most-hated characters still left standing after the bloody and brutal season five. 

Ranked from tolerable to totally evil, here's all the people who so need to die next season on Game of Thrones:


13. Jaqen H'ghar

Okay, so we don't want this hottie assassin to actually die next season. But he definitely needs to pay for blinding Arya. Sure, the pint-sized killer didn't follow his orders, but she killed a child rapist, and that was something to celebrate, not punish! Is she going to be blind forever as a result? Say it ain't so!

Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

12. The Sand Snakes

We were so excited to see Oberyn's ruthless three daughters in Dorne before season five began, but their storyline was such a snooze. And they spent all season trying to kill Myrcella, an innocent girl set to marry into their family, just because she was a Baratheon. Not cool.


11. Tommen Baratheon

This child king didn't do anything bad, exactly. But he certainly didn't do anything good either. He let himself get manipulated by his mother and his wife, and never made any decisions for himself. And then, after he agreed to fund a religious army, that same army imprisoned his wife, his new brother-in-law and his mother, and he didn't do a single thing to try and stop it from happening or to get them out of jail. He just locked himself in his chambers and refused to see or speak to anyone. And then when his mother was then forced to walk naked through the slums of the city, he was nowhere to be seen. Come on, dude! Do something.


10. The High Sparrow

This religious fanatic seemed okay at first, a truly selfless man who gave all he had to the poor and needy in the city. But as soon as he gained power he used it in pretty horrendous ways: locking up gay men for sinning, withholding water and food from prisoners, and forcing Cersei to walk naked through King's Landing while the city threw garbage and sewage at her. Now that doesn't seem very righteous to us. 


9. Melisandre

The Red Woman would actually be higher on this list if not for the opportunity that has presented itself to her. In the season five finale, Melisandre arrived at Castle Black hours before Jon was stabbed and killed...meaning she can use her powers to bring him back next season, fully redeeming herself in our eyes! But she also did just convince two parents, Stannis and Selyse Baratheon, to burn their innocent and sweet daughter Shireen alive to gain good fortune with the Lord of Light (it didn't work, they both died the next day).


8. Theon Greyjoy/Reek

After going through so much physical and psychological torture at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, it's understandable why Theon has been so damaged to the point where he's taken on a new identity: Reek. But the fact that Reek just stood and watched as Ramsay then raped and tortured his childhood friend Sansa Stark day in and day out was unforgivable. He even betrayed her and told Ramsay she was trying to escape when he could have just kept quiet! It took him all season to finally help Sansa escape Winterfell, but he's got a lot to make up for next season.


7. Cersei Lannister

Her walk of shame did the impossible: we actually felt bad for this cold b---h. But her inhumane treatment in the season five finale does not excuse a lifetime of cruelty to others. She's pretty much the worst...but surprisingly, not the worst person in Westeros.


6. Septa Unella

"Shame. Shame. Shame." Ding! Ding! 


5. Ellaria Sand

She just straight-up killed Myrcella with a poisoned kiss! That poor kid did nothing but what she was told, and yet Ellaria killed her for revenge for what happened to Oberyn in King's Landing. Also, Ellaria poured out a full glass of wine just to spite everyone. PARTY FOUL. 


4. The Night's King

The leader of the White Walkers can turn an entire army of Wildlings and Night's Watchmen into zombies with just a raise of his arms. He needs to die before he can get south of the Wall and do some real damage.


3. Olly and the mutinous Night's Watch brothers

You. Do. Not. Hurt. Sweet. Angel. Jon. Snow. Nope. Unforgivable. And now your watch is so ended.


2. Roose Bolton

We're still not over the Red Wedding. We'll never be over the Red Wedding.


1. Ramsay Bolton

We never thought we'd hate any character more than Joffrey. And then we met Ramsay Bolton, fka Ramsay Snow. This giddy sociopath has no limits to his madness, and the fact that he can gleefully kill, rape, maim and torture anyone he wants when he wants without any kind of punishment at all is the stuff of nightmares. Dude, you so need to die. 

You hear that, George R. R. Martin?

Now it's your turn...who do you hate the most on Game of Thrones? Hit the comments below to weigh in!