
WTF Is Going On With These Dead Orphan Black Characters In New Season 4 Teaser?

Exclusive: Watch a sneak peek from the season 4 premiere that will leave you scratching your head

By Jean Bentley Apr 13, 2016 3:00 PMTags

All together now: WTF?!

This teaser for the upcoming fourth season of Orphan Black should have everyone scratching their heads, because it features two characters who we thought were DEAD. Like, one of their deaths kicked off the events of the entire series.

Remember Beth, a.k.a. the clone Sarah Manning saw commit suicide? Then she assumed her identity and met her Seestras, and the rest is history? Well, she's back in the season four premiere. And, as we learned when BBC America released the first four minutes of the new season, so is Hot Paul (not his actual name, though it should be), Beth's sexy lover/guardian-turned-Sarah's sexy lover/Clone Club ally.

E! News has an exclusive teaser of the previously deceased duo together that will make you even more confused: Beth and Paul are together, and at one point someone holds a gun to the other's head. (Want to know who? Press play on the clip above!)

Clearly this season is beginning with some sort of flashback situation, because how else would these two definitely dead characters be able to return?

While you're at it, check out the first four minutes of the new season: It features more of the two of them together, plus another of Tatiana Maslany's clones doing something very mysterious. What on Earth could the two be doing together? Fortunately we only have to wait one more day because Orphan Black is airing on Thursdays this year.

Orphan Black season four premieres April 14 at 10 p.m. on BBC America.