Thanksgiving TV Recommendations for Every Single One of Your Family Members

From Jessica Jones to Game of Thrones, here's what you should spend your holiday getting your family to binge

By Jean Bentley Nov 25, 2015 8:36 PMTags
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When you're at the Thanksgiving table, you're sure to be forced into at least one uncomfortable political debate. It's basically a scientific fact. But if you want to steer the conversation into a more productive direction, why don't you spend your time forcing your family members to watch your favorite shows?

It's much more fun to try to convince them why they should just succumb to that red siren herself, Netflix, and binge all of Jessica Jones, or to push aside NCIS to make room for a fun new procedural like Limitless in their lives.

With that in mind, we've come up with a list of family members you might encounter during Turkey Day, and a corresponding list of shows you should most definitely make them watch.


For your NCIS-loving parents: Limitless. It's funny and interesting without losing that familiar procedural bent. Plus: Bradley Cooper. Everyone loves B Coops! (Well, everyone SHOULD love B Coops. Sorry if you're related to monsters.)

For your uncle: Blindspot. Uncles will LOVE Blindspot. Trust us.

For your uber-conservative distant aunts and uncles: Scream Queens. You know, why not just fully piss 'em off?

For your liberal hippie cousin about to join the Peace Corps: Mr. Robot. Your cousin probably supported Occupy Wall Street. They'll dig fsociety's anti-capitalism take down of Evil Corp—excuse us, E Corp—guaranteed.

For your theater-obsessed teenage cousin and/or niece/nephew: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Musical theater EVERY week? Yes please. Make more people watch this amazing little show while they still can.

For your sarcastic, know-it-all little sister who just started college: iZombie. Liv Moore is the snarkiest crime fighter on TV right now, a.k.a. the perfect role model for smart teenage girls everywhere.

For the sibling you know can't stop watching Criminal Minds and frankly you're a little worried: Jessica Jones. On paper, it's a slightly difficult sell—a former superhero with PTSD who becomes a private eye—but the elevator pitch aside, reconnect come Christmas and see how long it took them to binge the excellent, dark psychological drama.


For your aunt going through a bitter divorce: The Affair. Because love hurts.

For your superhero-obsessed nephew: Silly kid, The Flash is on each and every week!

For the competitive cousin you can't stand: Supernatural. There are 10 seasons to catch up on, so you basically won't have to talk to them ever again, or at least not until Easter.

For your sibling's aspiring actor girlfriend/boyfriend: Difficult People. Maybe they'll relate to Billy Eichner and Julie Klausner's struggles? Or it's a pointed criticism of them. Your choice.

For your nurse aunt: Getting On. HBO's little comedy that could is probably TV's most accurate representation of the healthcare system. It's dark, funny and will make everybody pause in appreciation for caregivers everywhere, if only just for a minute.

For your long-married-and-pretending to be happy aunt/cousin/sister: Outlander. If you time travel and can't get back to your spouse, cheating doesn't count!

For your relative with good taste who has thus far refused to pay for cable: Game of Thrones. Come on, man.

For your jackass cousin/brother who wants to know how to win over a girl: The Mindy Project. Or at least all the amazing grand gesture episodes.

What TV will you recommend to your family on Thanksgiving? Leave your suggestions in the comments!