Study Finds Cheese Is as Addictive as Drugs: 8 Foods That Should Also Come With a Warning Label

Chipotle, chocolate, coffee and more delicious items that should definitely be eaten with caution

By Cameron Steurer Oct 23, 2015 6:15 PMTags
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If you love cheese as much as we do, then you'll totally understand how a study published by the US Library of Medicine found that cheese is just as addictive as drugs. Cheese contains a protein called casein, and when we digest it, it releases opiates called casomorphins. So yeah, you can get a cheese high.

If you're not a fan of cheese, then just take a bite. Get addicted. Become one of us. All the cool kids are doing it! We believe in the power and glory of food; however, this doesn't just include cheese. We're more open-minded about our culinary addictions, and we feel it is our responsibility to warn our dear readers that all of the food listed below deserves to be labeled just as addictive as cheese (which is officially our new standard for addiction, FYI).

1. Chipotle


The veggie and carnivore friendly kingpin of burritos deserves full honors for almost singlehandedly monopolizing our take-out budget for the month.

2. Chocolate

There is nothing you can say to convince us that chocolate isn't the apex of humanity's culinary achievements.rong>

If you haven't noticed, there's hardly anything that we love more than coffee. If you're not convinced, go read our love letters we wrote on National Coffee Day.

4. Macaroni and Cheese

GMVozd/Getty Images

No, no, no! Not the boxed stuff. The made-it-yourself, oven-baked, melty-to-the-max deliciousness. We will have none of that powdered cheese crap, though it does hold a special place in our heart just due to the nostalgic factor. But when you're an adult, treat your macaroni with dignity, will you?

5. French Fries 

Curly. Steak-cut. Thin. Crispy. Slightly-less-crispy. Seasoned. Salted. French fried potatoes come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors (OK, not all flavors, but that's probably for the best) to satisfy your most intense cravings. The humble potato is truly a king among kings.

6. Bacon

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Obviously our vegetarian and vegan friends won't agree with this one, and we're totally not judging them for it. Different strokes for different folks, right? But for the rest of you carnivores, we're sure you're aware that bacon is boss. All hail the tastiest breakfast animal of all time.

7. Bread


You know how restaurants put out those free baskets of bread? Cornbread. Roles. Breadsticks. Doesn't matter. It's a trap. Just saying.

8. Lucky Charms Marshmallows

General Mills

Yes, we're specifically talking about the ‘mallows. Such shapes! Such colors! Everyone picks these things out of the comparatively uninteresting cereal bits by the fistfuls. You do it too, don't lie to us. And now you have a chance to win a Marshmallow-only box of Lucky Charms, which proves that dreams really do come true.

What other food items do you think should have warning labels?