Rejoice, Doctor Who Fans! Those Rumors of Jenna Coleman Leaving the Show Were Totally Bogus

Coleman has confirmed that she will continue to play Clara for another season!

By Sydney Bucksbaum Dec 29, 2014 6:46 PMTags

Dry those tears, Doctor Who fans, because it turns out we're not losing Jenna Coleman after all!

Even though this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, "Last Christmas," featured a totally-heartbreaking send off for the Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) current companion Clara, all those rumors surrounding Coleman's upcoming exit from the BBC show were totally bogus. Coleman's not leaving anymore!

The actress confirmed to the BBC that she will continue to play Clara for another season of Doctor Who. Happy new year indeed, huh?

"It's wonderful," Coleman says. "I get a whole other series of stories with the Doctor and I couldn't walk away with the story being unresolved."

After joining the long-running hit series in 2012, her future with the show was uncertain after the Christmas special. Coleman has starred alongside two incarnations of the Doctor—first Matt Smith and now Capaldi.

"There is so much more to do," Coleman says. "I think they've finally just reached a point where [the Doctor and Clara] really understand each other. The arrival of the 12th Doctor has just kind of dropped this whole bombshell and allowed the dynamic to totally change, so I think just when Clara was feeling more comfortable in the relationship, it has suddenly thrown something new up."

Coleman's co-star Capaldi is happy that she's decided to return for another season.

"I'm thrilled," Capaldi says. "Jenna has just been fantastic and such a pleasure to work with."

Are you glad that Coleman's sticking around for another season of Doctor Who?