You Have to Watch These Old People React to the Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer

They also have to read passages from the book out loud, which makes everyone uncomfortable

By Jenna Mullins Sep 12, 2014 9:26 PMTags

It's a rite of passage to at some point in your life watch a movie's sex scene with your parents or your significant other's parents sitting right next to you, and as the uncomfortable and awkward air settles around you and the moans and heavy breathing from the screen fill the room, you can officially say: "This is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone."

So The Fine Brothers just took that notion and exploited it for everyone's enjoyment, and that is why you are about to watch elderly folk watching the trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey.

The viewing party goes a lot like this:


But The Fine Bros. don't stop there. Of course they don't. Next, they make these old people read some sex scenes straight from the book, and if you've read anything about Fifty Shades, you know that these particular scenes are as graphic as they are ridiculous:


The video is funny and all, but the real star of this video is Laura: 


She says she is a big fan of the trailer and the book because, in her own words, she is "sexy and crazy."


We agree.


You rule, Laura! YOU RULE.