R. Kelly Just Walked Out of One of the Most Awkward Interviews We've Ever Watched

Singer leaves interview with Huffington Post

By Kendall Fisher Dec 21, 2015 8:31 PMTags
R. Kelly, Huffington PostHuffPo

As of today, R. Kelly has officially topped the list of most awkward interviews.

The R&B singer sat down with Huffington Post and host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to discuss his new album, The Buffet, and how it's projected to sell almost 100K fewer copies than his last album (2013's Black Panties).

When Tehrani asked whether he believes the sexual abuse allegations surrounding him have impacted those sales, he grew irritated and started throwing jabs at her.

"Sex is mentioned frequently in your lyrics. In many of your songs, you talk about having sex with multiple women," she says. "Would you say you have a healthy relationship with sex and that that is reflected musically?"

Kelly replied with little hesitation, "I would have to say this, I did not come here to be interrogated. I didn't come here for a deposition," he said before getting sarcastic. "Do you know what a deposition is?"  

He continued, "This is a deposition. This is not about R. Kelly. This is not about music. This is not about someone who works hard on his music who has an album out. This is about trying to interrogate me and this is about disrespect."

When Tehrani argued that she didn't believe she was disrespecting him, he took things a level further, questioning her intelligence. "That's the level of your intelligence, not mine," he said.

Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Things got even more out of hand when Kelly began asking Tehrani if she drinks. When she said yes, he argued that her personal life has nothing to do with her job, and it shouldn't matter what she does.

Tehrani eventually made a strong point, noting that his personal life has bled into his career and impacted his album sales.

To that he responded, "I love all of my fans. People who are with me, people who are against me, I love them all.  It doesn't matter who they are: if they hate me, they love me, they want to destroy them. I love them all, and I love you, too."

"You don't have to give me your love, sir," Tehrani said.

He ultimately decided to get up and leave the interview, but not before thanking Tehrani and calling her beautiful—to which she responded, "You don't need to comment on my appearance, sir."

Feel free to sink in your chair from further embarrassment by watching the full interview above.

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