Jimmy Fallon and Jeb Bush Discuss Politics While Slow Jamming the News—Watch Now!

They broke down the upcoming election with song

By Francesca Bacardi Jun 17, 2015 12:58 PMTags

Who knew politics could be so enjoyable when set to some jazzy music?

Jimmy Fallon might have been trying to go for a more "serious" interview when he brought out Jeb Bush Tuesday night, but his plan to slow jam the news with the republican candidate managed to turn political issues into a hilarious bit. Recapping briefly that Jeb announced his presidential bid Monday, both Jimmy and George H. W. Bush's son launched into some hard-hitting discussions.

With The Roots in charge of music, Jimmy and Jeb really broke it down.

"Ohhh yeah," sang Jimmy, seemingly trying to channel his inner Barry White. "The governor thought long and hard about joining the GOP race after months of being a total caucus tease."

"Jeb finally made up his mind and quit beating around the bush," he continued.

Tariq Trotter added his own insights about the current political scene while on vocals for The Tonight Show's band.

Douglas Gorenstein/NBC

"Jeb really wants to get in the White House, but not as bad as [President Barack] Obama wants out," he crooned.

The late-night talk show host (now turned professional singer) also took his time with Jeb to ask him about hot-button issues and how his previous experience as the governor of Florida will prepare him for when he might take over the Oval Office.

"You've got to listen to my man, Jebediah," Jimmy continued to sing. "He comes from Texas where everything is bigger. He turned Florida from a limp peninsula to a member of the U.S. economy."

But now that he could be leaving Florida behind, Tariq made an astute observation. "He went to Miami and now he's gone," he sang, "His nickname is the White LeBron."

When they got to talking singing about immigration, Jeb explained that he believes the U.S. is a  "nation of immigrants." Because of that, he figured that there might be some Spanish-speaking viewers, so he translated his message into fluent Spanish, which took Jimmy by surprise!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't think I was interviewing Governor Pitbull," he joked.

But if there was one thing citizens weren't sure of, it was probably Jeb's debating skills. Don't worry, Tariq cleared it all up when he sang, "He's a master debator."


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