2015 Oscars: Best & Worst Moments!

Get a recap of all of the Academy Award highlights below!

By Bruna Nessif Feb 23, 2015 2:53 AMTags
Neil Patrick Harris, Anna Kendrick, 2015 Academy Awards, ShowROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images

Awards season has come to an end, but not before celebrating one of the biggest shows of the year.

The 2015 Academy Awards took place tonight at the famous Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, and with a number of awards, musical performances and practically every A-lister you could possibly think of under one roof, we were bound to have at least a few highlights.

Here are the best and worst moments from the 2015 Oscars...

Best Opening Ever?!: Everyone expected something entertaining because it's Neil Patrick Harris, duh. But it was so great! The host kicked off the night with a zinger ("Tonight we honor the best and whitest…sorry, I mean brightest") and then went into a musical number that highlighted classic films with the help of Anna Kendrick and Jack Black. It was awesome. Just awesome.

Listen Up: Whiplash star J.K. Simmons accepted his award for Best Supporting Actor and reminded everyone about what's important. "If you're lucky to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them. Don't text. Don't email. Call them on the phone, tell them you love them and thank them and listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you. Thank you, thank you, mom and dad!"

What's in the Briefcase?: NPH's Oscar predictions, that's what. And apparently it's important enough that there's a livestream of it and Octavia Spencer was nominated to keep an eye on it AT. ALL. TIMES.

Swoon: We could listen to Adam Levine serenade us all night.

Music Schmusic: Ida director Pawel Pawlikowski took the stage to accept the award for Best Foreign Film, and after giving thanks to his late wife, the notorious wrap-it-up music started to play. But do you think that stopped him? NOPE. He just continued with his speech and ultimately proved that WE. HAVE. THE. POWER!

Must-Have Item: Where can we get a Lego Oscar?! (Even Oprah Winfrey was overwhelmed with joy!)

We See London, We See France: It's NPH in his underpants! The host recreated the famous scene from Birdman and took the stage in nothing but his whitey-tighties (with background tunes by Miles Teller on the drums).


Ehhhh...: Selma star David Oyelowo perfectly summed up how we're feeling about the Oscars in this amazing GIF.

Speak It, Sista: Patricia Arquette won Best Supporting Actress for her work in Boyhood, and before concluding her speech, she said with power and intensity, "It's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America," which drew roars and cheers from the crowd including Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lopez.

Once Again: That GIF of Meryl and J.Lo is everything. If we got that kind of reaction from those two to every good decision we made in life, we'd make better decisions.

Powerhouse Vocals: Among the performances tonight were Rita Ora and Jennifer Hudson, who each sang their hearts out and gave us chills.

Um...: We're not sure what happened, but Terrence Howard had a very dramatic pause while announcing the last three nominees for Best Picture (Imitation Game, Whiplash and Selma). It was all strange. Very, very strange.

We're Weeping: Not only was Common and John Legend's performance of "Glory" absolutely powerful, but it brought tears to the eyes of many in the room, including David Oyelowo and Chris Pine (be still our hearts!). Ugh. We need a tissue.

Payback Time: It's been nearly a year since John Travolta's famous "Adele Dazeem" flub, but tonight, Idina Menzel was able to get her redemption.

YES, GAGA, YES!: Leaving her crazy outfits behind, Mother Monster focused on her amazing voice for The Sound of Music's 50th Anniversary tribute, and she killed it. You guys, she killed it. And what's even better? Julie Andrews came on stage afterward and gave her props!


Serious Moment: While accepting the award for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Imitation Game, Graham Moore revealed that at 16 years old, he tried to kill himself because he felt weird and different, but tells viewers, "Stay weird, stay different, and then when it's your turn and you are standing on this stage please pass the same message."

What Smells Like Balls?: Birdman director Alejandro González Iñárritu revealed he wore Michael Keaton's underwear as a good luck charm, and it worked! He won Best Director and Best Picture! They also apparently "smell like balls."

Big Awards: Both Eddie Redmayne and Julianne Moore, who won Best Actor and Best Actress, respectively, drew big cheers from the crowd and delivered teary yet endearing speeches.

And that's all, folks! (Until next year!)

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