Parks and Recreation: 100 Reasons Why We Will Always and Forever Love This Show

Let's talk about how awesome the NBC comedy is...using GIFs

By Jenna Mullins Jan 09, 2014 7:53 PMTags
Parks and Recreation, Key ArtNBC

You should all be aware that it was entirely too hard to stop at 100 reasons why we love Parks and Recreation. We could go on all day and night about the wonders that is this show. Basically, we could take at least 10 things from every single episode of the NBC comedy as legitimate reasons why this series should never, ever go off the air. One-hundred episodes times ten? That's like, a million reasons why we love Parks and Rec. School.

As most of you know (and you better know), Parks and Recreation airs its 100th episodes tonight. And what better way to celebrate the citizens of Pawnee then by listing all the ways we love them and the town they live in? Here is our ode to Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman), Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari) and the rest of our favorite Parks and Rec crew:

1. Ann and Leslie's friendship.

2. How much Leslie loves Ron.

3. NutriYum Bars

4. Ben and Leslie's wedding "reception" (which included a performance of Andy's Li'l Sebastian song).

5. Ron's attitude toward anything he deems unworthy of his attention.

6. Tom's addiction to technology.

7. April's present to Leslie after their fight for Lot 48.

8. Ron discovering cookies and Google Earth.

9. Ben and Leslie. FOREVER.

10. Jean-Ralphio singing his words.

11. Leslie's waffle devotion.

12. Drunk. Ron. Swanson.

13. Andy's dedication to getting in shape in order to become a cop.

14. That time Leslie entered a drinking contest to save Ron.

15. Treat Yo Self 2011!

16. Ron's general attitude toward most humans.

17. The outstanding work done by Animal Control. 

18. Ron's hatred of countries that aren't America.

19. Dancing Leslie Knope.

20. Ann and Ben's bond over being Leslie's favorite people.

21. Ron never having time for vegetables.

22. Leslie's rule about being a jerk.

23. April adores the worst people.

24. That time Andy went kamikaze during a water balloon fight.

25. Donna's tweeting habits.

26. Ron Swanson doesn't share food. Even if he's going up against Ben's dad, aka Mike from Breaking Bad.

27. How cool Ben is with accountants. 

28. When April kicked her gay boyfriends to the curb because they were badmouthing Andy. 

29. Leslie does London right.

30. The mystery of Jerry's beautiful wife (played by Christie Brinkley).

31. Donna's review of Game of Thrones

32. That time the calzones betrayed Ben.

33. Tom's Oh-No-No List

34. When there wasn't enough carpet for Leslie to get to the stage for her campaign speech

35. Andy in Chris' "monkey shoes." 

36. Ron's typewriter.

37. Jean-Ralphio and Tom's swag.

38. April's rules for Ben before he moves in with them. 

39. Leslie's stance on salads. 

40. Ron eating an ice cream cone.

41. "I love you and I like you."

42. That time Ron burned his eyebrows off. 

43. When professional basketball players hear Jean-Ralphio yell "Take me there!"

44. When the parks department visited the Indianapolis Colts. 

45. The fact that the manly Ron Swanson loves solving riddles. 

46. Ben's proposal to Leslie.

47. Andy's hygienic shortcuts.

48. Chris' compliments. Yes, even Jerry gets one.

49. Ron trying to eat a banana.

50. Snake Juice.

51. The Meagle motto. 

52. Ron's enthusiasm for eating. 

53. Ben's nerd pride.

54. Tynnyfer at Xanax o'clock.

55. Tom's Dunzo List.

56. Ann's views on exercising.

57. All the bacon and eggs you have.

58. When Donna rejected a professional football player because she was into "skill positions only."

59. April's hatred of camping.

60. Ron's will.

61. Ben dropping the mic.

62. Entertainment 720.

63. Ron's rule about drinking.

64. April's ingenious threats. 

65. The world' greatest party, which had a pirate ship bouncy castle...with bubbles.

66. Jerry Gergich, the Pawnee punching bag.

67. The lengths Ann will go to in order to make Leslie happy.

68. "Stop. Pooping!"

69. That time Ron got into a fight with a tablet.

70. Councilman Jamm.

71. The fact that Tom does not have time for out-of-date technology.

72. Bert Macklin, FBI.

73. Ron Swanson's red polo.

74. "Literally."

75. April's life motto, which is the only motto you really need.

76. When Leslie tried to kiss Joe Biden.

77. Ron's circle desk.

78. Li'l Sebastian (RIP). 

79. Public forums. 

80. Ron vs. illness. 

81. DJ Roomba.

82. April and Andy's wedding.

83. Ugh. Eagleton. 

84. The Saperstein siblings.

85. Ron's patriotism. 

86. Ben teaching April and Andy how to be adults 

87. The Pawnee Smokehouse.

88. The only Ron Swanson GIF you'll ever need.

89. Mouserat (or whatever Andy's band is called at the time).

90. Janet Snakehole. 

91. Leslie's seduction techniques while she snuck around with Ben.

92. You're On With Ron

93. Jerry's heart attack, which was also a fart attack.

94. Andy Dwyer's confidence.

95. Ron and Diane's wedding.

96. The little things Ben does for Leslie.

97. The rivalry between the parks department and the library. 

98. Tom's thoughts on material possessions. 

99. Duke Silver.

100. Just everything about this cast. Every little thing.

Congrats, Parks and Rec! Here's to another 100 episodes! Seriously, never leave us.

What's your favorite thing about Parks and Rec? Sharing party happening downstairs.

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