This Week in Adorable Animal Videos: Cats Are Twerking Like Miley Cyrus! Grumpy Cat Finally Met Lil Bub!

We're resurfacing our favorite twerkin' feline to have a dance-off with Miley, after her MTV VMA performance

By John Boone Aug 29, 2013 8:06 PMTags
Cat Videos, Miley CyrusYouTube, Instagram, Getty Images

We've got a week's worth of cat videos with your name on it.

And it's was a big week. But let's cut right to the chase:

1. Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub Finally Met!

The Most Famous Cat on the Internet (that'd be Bub) and the Grumpiest Cat on the Internet (who happens to be a little famous herself, she even has a movie deal) finally met, at the 2013 Internet Cat Video Festival in Minneapolis. And the Internet did not explode.

And best of all...

They almost kissed!

2. Does This Cat Twerk Better Than Miley Cyrus?

As controversy continues to swirl around Miley and her performance at the 2013 MTV VMAs, we had to resurface this particular twerkin' cat (from our week of twerking dogs and cats and kittens, oh my!) Now decide, who is a better twerker: Miley Cyrus? Or this cat?

And while you're at it, make sure to check out our Beginner's Guide to Twerking.

3. Meet the Cat With the Longest Fur...Ever:

This is Colonel Meow (best name ever?), a Himalayan-Persion mix from Seattle, Wash. who just took home the Guiness World Record for "Longest Fur on a Cat."

"We already knew that he was the best cat in the world, but to be recognised in the Guinness World Records book takes it to the next level," owners Anne and Eric gush, before admitting, "Literally everything in the house has hair on it, including us! I feel like I'm always vacuuming!"

Colonel Meow's hair measures in at 9 inches.

4. Cats Be All Like, "Nom Nom Nom":  Mr888Funny888 compiled this video of different kittens talking with their mouthes full.

5. Mei, the Windshield Wiper Warrior:

A losing battle, yes, but "A" for effort, Mei.

6. This Pug looooooooooooves Cats: We were going to make this an all-cat edition of This Week in Adorable Animal Videos, but this little pug needed to be here. Because he loves "kitty cats." He loves them so, so, so, so much.

We hope you enjoy this post, pug. Keep on spinnin'!

7. And Some Baby Ostriches Dancing:

Because we've never featured baby ostriches before! So why not!

The video describes them as "very merry," but we think they're super into EDM.


Now, share your favorite adorable animal videos in the comments!

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