Bill O'Reilly on Katie: Calls Lindsay Lohan's Parents "Screwed Up," Isn't Psyched About Honey Boo Boo

While sounding off on various pop culture figures, conservative pundit blames LiLo's troubles on her upbringing

By Josh Grossberg Oct 18, 2012 3:43 PMTags
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Hard to believe, but Bill O'Reilly actually has some sympathy for Lindsay Lohan.

Appearing on yesterday's Katie, the right-leaning Fox News pundit was asked by Katie Couric to play the "name game" and offer up his thoughts on a number of pop culture luminaries, one of whom was the troubled starlet. And surprisingly, he went easy on her.

"I feel bad for her," O'Reilly told the talk show host.

The conservative commentator (who's a resident of Long Island, N.Y.) added that Lindsay "is a Long Island girl. I think she's got screwed-up parents, ya know; I hope she straightens it out."

On Kim Kardashian, the 63-year-old O'Reilly responded, "I don't know her, [but] she seems like an energetic young woman."

But where Bill-O really had a firm opinion was on 6-year-old reality star Honey Boo Boo on TLC's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

"I don't like to see kids in the public eye at that age," he confessed.

O'Reilly did have some kind words to say, however, about his frenemy, Jon Stewart, with whom he teamed up two weeks ago for a debate to raise money for charity, also joining the The Daily Show host for the latter's Night of Too Many Stars benefit for autism last Saturday (where he good-naturedly debated MSNBC rival Chris Matthews while inhaling helium balloons).

"I would go on his show. He was on my show and we have a very good back and forth because he's quick, he's smart and he's honest," said the cable star. "He's not mean-spirited. A lot of these pundits are very mean-spirited; they want to hurt you if they disagree with you, and I don't like that."

O'Reilly is currently making the media rounds promoting his new book, Killing Kennedy, about the Kennedy assassination.

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