Is the Pressure Getting to Robsten?

Rob and Kristen are getting a lot of flak lately, and it’s starting to show in their lifestyle choices

By Whitney English, Ted Casablanca, Taryn Ryder Nov 03, 2009 10:30 PMTags
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It's getting to the point that whenever anyone from the Twilight cast breathes or speaks, it's the big news story of the day. Kinda ridiculous when you think about it. We haven't seen a phenomenon like this ever, but of course we play into it when re-reporting all this stuff, too.

What we're surprised about is the backlash these lovable New Mooners are starting to get.

First Robert Pattinson with a questionable article and interview, and now our gal Kristen Stewart can't seem to catch a break:

Kristen opened up to Blackbook magazine about the perils of fame—a topic through years of experience we've realized can be very touchy (you know, be-grateful-for-what-you-have type of thing).

"I don't want to be a movie star like Angelina Jolie," Kristen tells the mag. "Nothing about being a celebrity is desirable. I'm an actor. It's bizarre to me that everybody's so obsessive."

Eeesh, we see where this is going!

First off, we may disagree with Ange's private issues and hope K.S. doesn't go down that path, but Jolie does a helluva lot of good with her celebrity. Plus, being an Oscar winner doesn't hurt.

But like we've said before, we've met K.Stew and heart her. Sometimes the stuff she says just doesn't translate well to print. Stewart is a grateful girl for what she has, no matter how words might read sometimes.

What we're more concerned with is how she and Rob may be dealing with all of this crazy stuff. First the questionable drinking (although we're not worried 'bout it), and now we're told Robsten can't let go of those damn cancer sticks!

"Most of the cast quit, except Rob and Kristen, because cigarettes in Canada are $10 a pack and it was getting ridiculous," snips an on-set source.

Fans have even started a petition to get Rob to stop smoking.

Jeez, no one cares about K.Stew? How about trying to get both of 'em to stop?

Maybe if their love lives were scrutinized less they wouldn't have to resort to these nasty habits.


Rob and Kristen are both Vampire Party All-Stars, doncha know

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