Bitch-Back! Does Obama Deserve the Peace Prize?

Tons of mail today on The President, Miley Cyrus and Gosselin crap

By Ted Casablanca Oct 13, 2009 6:35 PMTags
Barack ObamaAP Photo/Ron Edmonds

Dear Ted:
I couldn't agree with you more about President Obama. And while we're at it, could you please explain to me how the president of a country that is currently at war and is still torturing prisoners could possibly receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
—Amanda F., NYC

Dear I Wish:
If I were able to explain that to you, then I'd probably agree with it! Motivational, perhaps? Never thought I'd agree with the right-wing side of things, but it does seem to be more about his star power, less his benevolent soul.

Dear Ted:
How can you say Kate Gosselin is the lesser of two evils? Have you not watched the show and how much Jon was home being a stay-at-home dad while Kate was off trying to be famous? Then when she was home, degrading him every minute? It's just that she has TLC telling her how to behave now to make her look good in the public eye while Jon is being a normal human in a sad situation. She is so scripted. Even the little boo-hoos. She doesn't do it all for her kids. She's in it for herself. Give Jon some slack.

Dear Hailey Glassman:
Yeah, I definitely have seen how she degrades him, but at the end of the day, who is taking care of the kids while they, too, are going through a hard time? OK, the nannies, but Kate seems to be there for them a helluva lot more now than he does. Reverse the situation: Kate was the bread earner, of course she was gone. If the stay-at-home sitch was flipped from the beginning we wouldn't be having this debate, would we?

Dear Ted:
Love all that you do for animal shelters! Keep it up. I have a question about Jake Gyllenhaal. We know that he is a Blind Vice, but what I can't put my finger on is whether or not you like/respect him. What are your personal feelings about him? Good guy or do his hidden Vices make you dislike him?

Dear Boringhaal:
It's hard for me to respect Jake when I suspect he doesn't much respect himself right now. Wow, that was deep, huh?

Dear Ted:
Considering that Miley Cyrus's new BF was the reason she left Twitter, do you think he is gonna be a tad controlling?
—Chris x

Dear Drop in the Bucket:
Please, he'll be kicked to the curb in no time. He won't have enough of a chance to be controlling! Miles is gonna go through tons of guys in her stripping, er, musical career.

Dear Ted:
The more you post your opinions on things like Polanski, Letterman and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, the more I respect you, and the less shallow I feel for reading a gossip column. Cheers.

Dear Sweet Nothings:
Thanks, but don't let me fool you. My shallowness is right around the next Twilight bend, for sure.

Dear Ted
You said once that Toothy Tile is bisexual and loved his ex-GF. Why then does he need a beard and can't just say he's focusing on his career and that's why he's not dating if he wants to keep his current BF a secret?

Dear Good Question:
Because then people would forget about him, and that would ultimately hurt his career. Right now, his beard keeps him relevant.

Dear Ted:
Why isn't anyone paying attention to that brilliant open letter that Frances Bean Cobain wrote to Ali Lohan? While it was written to the younger Lohan, it really was a general wake-up call to all the "Hiltons." And just take a look at the Kardashians. Thank God for Frances, and calling out the rest of the fame-whores who think they're "famous" but are just disposable douchebags.

Dear Good for Nothins:
I've basically decided to do an Awful Truth-type ban on anything Lohan until she gets some serious help (and that includes her family). But the hilarious Jen Cady did take that issue on.

Dear Ted:
Please, please, please fix the comments numbering system. It gives us headaches trying to follow it in order. Please, pretty please? Thanks.
—Barbi and Jenn

Dear Patiance Darling:
Swear on Margo Casablanca's life its being looked at—wish I had a time frame for ya, though. I'd offer sexual favors to somebody in IT if I thought it would do any good (and after Letterman, maybe better not).

Dear Ted:
Thank you for your stance on the treatment of women. For some reason, women have been ostracized for centuries now. So for a man in a powerful position such as yourself, we women thank you. OK, now for the juice: Has Kristen Bell ever been a Blind Vice?

Dear Golden Bell:
Oh, heavens no, not nearly debauched enough yet, as hard as she may at times be trying.

Dear Ted:
Why have you completely changed your tone on Robert Pattinson? What did he do to you? I mean come on...maybe moving to Team Jacob...really? Love ya!
—Team Edward 4ever

Dear All in Fun:
Taylor is more like the dirty mistress. He's fun to look at, but not our true love. If Rob would give us some more delicious ab shots, I'd be more full-time faithful!

Dear Ted:
What's the dish on True Blood hottie Sam Trammell? Married, taken, single, straight, gay...any info you can share?

Dear Totally Awesome:
Straight as far as I know. I get a playerish vibe, but can't say for sure. He's a very cool guy!

Dear Ted:
No question here, just a statement. Polanski: Illegal. Letterman: Immoral. Letterman Ladies: Adults with benefits.

Dear Repeater:
No answer here, just a newsflash: It's all skanky treatment of women, at best.

Dear Ted:
I'm curious about Natalie Portman. I know she's an intensely private celeb, and she's dated a few guys seriously, but she also seems to be perpetually single. Is she just picky? Sneaky? Bad at long-term stuff? I would imagine the male folk are throwing themselves at her! Keep up the good work!

Dear Unusual You:
Good question—we heart Nat and her extremely goody-goody ways. Think she's more focused on herself, her career and basking in her do-goodness.

Dear Ted:
Does Jessica Biel look so glum (in photos) because of Justin Timberlake's single-style partying, or is Justin single-style partying because Jessica is always so glum?

Dear Boring and Boringer:
Number two.

Dear Ted:
You didn't answer my last question, but I still love ya. So please answer this one, I know I'm begging. Is it a proven fact that if a gay celebrity comes out off the closet that they lose fans? I mean, if it doesn't happen, what are all these agents, managers or whatever so worried about? Let these people be happy and live their life as they please.

Dear Bearer of Bad News:
Unfortunately, yes. Not everyone is as accepting as many pretend to be.

Dear Ted:
What do you mean when you say, "Robsten is fine. For now, at least"? You have some people all in a tizzy. What could you mean by that? You used to be so confident and positive about this couple, but lately things have changed. I know things have become crazier than ever for them, but from a lot of people's perspective, this is just bringing them closer. You wouldn't have said it unless you meant something by it, so please explain!

Dear Miss Cleo:
I can't predict the future, can you?

Dear Ted:
Are you serious? Who will win the fight, Megan Fox or Kristen Stewart? That is obviously Megan. That girl is fierce, and she works out. Have you seen her body? She will crush Kristen in a moment. Especially for Rob! BTW, how is Rob doing?

Dear Too Fast:
You know Kristen could get scrappy—especially if Megan did have a renewed taste for Rob, her reported bed-notch back in the day. As for R.Pattz, he's happy in love, why shouldnt he be fine? If we were him, though, we'd be getting pretty tired of being on hotel-arrest.

Dear Ted:
A lot of my friends think Justin Timberlake still has feelings for Britney Spears. What do you think? Do you have any info about this? I know this couple was over in like 2002, but I can't help but be curious!

Dear Still Hoping:
How I wish they would get back together this instant! They really were the perfect pair! I think everyone always has a little spot for their first love, no matter how much they got burned...Plus, Justin still makes all those sappy ef-you songs that are totally about Brit-Brit. Don't think he's totally over her!

Dear Ted:
Hey Ted, do you have any info on Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett? I think she is so cute, I loved watching her show.
—Linds, Ontario

Dear All in the Family:
As normal as a couple as you can be for a Playboy model and professional athlete!

Dear Ted:
Zac Efron is my cougar crush, and I really enjoy his face and seeing him without a shirt. I imagine you've seen hundreds of his type come and go in Hollywood. What are your thoughts on this kid? Is he a sure thing to be around for years to come? Also, has he been the subject of a Blind Vice yet, or is he too young?

Dear Cougar Meat:
Can't say yet. I do like some of Zac's recent moves, though, like his Entourage cameo and dropping out of Footloose. It gives him a better chance at not being typecast as the hot guy who can dance. Let's see his next movies, then come back to this very important issue.