Feel-Good Barbie Commercial Reminds Girls They Can Be Anything They Aspire to Be: See It Here!

The ad shows girls as teachers, vets, and businesswomen!

By Dominique Haikel Oct 16, 2015 1:09 AMTags

This one's inspiring for girls of all ages!

Mattel knocks it out of the park with its new uplifting Barbie ad that shows little girls dominating at various careers. One girl is teaching a class on the brain, while another dishes at the office about the new business she acquired.

Whether she's a soccer coach or a dinosaur expert, our favorite childhood doll knows one thing is for sure: "When a girl plays with Barbie, she imagines everything she can become."

While the war hasn't been won yet, Barbie has come a long way when it comes to sending girls a positive message. This commercial illustrates ways in which Barbie promotes confidence in a girl's ability to go after her goals. The Barbie of the past, who's been blamed for causing body-image issues among girls and propagating various other stereotypes, has matured and is ready to take over the world.

Nama-slay, girl! 

Share your thoughts about the latest Barbie commercial in the comments! 

Watch: Are Human Ken and Human Barbie Fighting?

Are Human Barbie and Human Ken in a fight? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a cue from their dolly counterparts and grow up? Just saying.