Transgender Activist Courtney Demone Starts #FreeAllBodies to Challenge Social Media Censorship

Writer also created #DoIHaveBoobsNow movement

By Dominique Haikel Oct 14, 2015 10:20 PMTags

#DoIHaveBoobsNow #FreeAllBodies

A photo posted by Courtney Demone (@courtdemone) on

In the name of sticking it to social media censorship, transgender activist Courtney Demone is taking #FreeTheNipple to another awesome dimension with her hashtag #FreeAllBodies

In an essay penned for Mashable, Demone, who is on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), poses a very valid question: At what stage in her breast development will she have to cover up her nipples? Additionally, at what point during her transition will social media decide it's time to censor her breasts?

"In the coming months, I'll be posting topless photos of myself on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms using the hashtag #DoIHaveBoobsNow until those networks decide that my breasts have developed enough to be sexualized and worthy of censorship. (If they change their policies in the meantime, even better!)," Demone writes. 

In addition to the #DoIHaveBoobsNow hashtag, she has also started #FreeAllBodies. The purpose? Demone writes, "Using the #DoIHaveBoobsNow or #FreeAllBodies tag, write about your own experiences and/or post your own photos, topless or not. You can check out our Facebook and Tumblr pages where we will be sharing our own stories and the stories we receive from you."

#FreeAllBodies Facebook and Tumblr pages state that the community aims to "Free all bodies from silencing, oppression, and censorship by posting and sharing your pictures and stories of how society treats your body."

Demone points out that #FreeTheNipple may not be enough to challenge censorship policies on social media. "#FreeTheNipple has demonstrated the sexism, hyper-sexualization and absurdity behind society's scandalization of women's nipples in a way everyone can clearly observe and understand."

Her essay continues, "However, #FreeTheNipple has failed to show the diverse ways in which people with differing bodies are sexualized, fetishized, exoticized and shamed. It has also failed to recognize that baring her nipples doesn't mean freedom for every woman. To further explore those ideas and examine these same issues through the experiences of people with different bodies, #FreeTheNipple needs to be pushed beyond narrow definitions of femininity."

In addition to her social media posts, Demone will continue to write articles for Mashable describing her experience. 

Get it, girl! 

What are your thoughts on the #FreeAllBodies movement? Share in the comments!

Watch: "Girls" Star Jemima Kirke Talks "Free the Nipple" Campaign

Speaking of #FreeTheNipple, watch Jemima Kirke share her thoughts on the campaign! 

Learn more about what it means to be transgender from GLAAD.

If you are transgender and need help or advice, contact The Trevor Project.

Please find additional helpful resources here.