Iyanla: Fix Our Lou!

This week's Lou Clip features OWN's very own Iyanla Vanzant.

By Soup Staff Sep 16, 2015 11:23 PMTags

Over the summer we asked you guys to tell us what you'd like to see everyone's favorite chihuahua Lou do in his new Clip of the Week intro and so far, you haven't disappointed us. Lou's been on Bachelor in Paradise, True Detective, and he's even gone before Congress to testify about Benghazi (Hey, people asked for it).

This week, Lou will be fortunate enough to finally get fixed. No, not like FIXED fixed. Fixed in a spiritual sense. It's time for him to get back on track with self-help guru and star of OWN's hit series Iyanla: Fix My Life, Iyanla Vanzant. Here's a taste of Iyanla in action.

We're hoping she can turn Lou's life around. He's been slipping.

Catch Iyanla and Lou in an all new Lou Clip this Friday 10e/7p on The Soup LIVE and don't forget to tune in for the premiere of Iyanla: Fix My Life September 19th at 10e/8c on OWN.