Phone Calls, Phone Sex, Sex Sex & an Autopsy: Our Scandal, Vampire Diaries, and HTGAWM Rants & Raves

Find out what we loved (and hated) about Thursday night TV!

By Lauren Piester Nov 07, 2014 4:30 AMTags
Scandal, Kerry Washington, Artemis PebdaniABC/Eric McCandless

Thursdays are getting to be too much for us, you guys, and not just because they're so darn close to the weekend. We can barely handle Scandal, The Vampire Diaries, and How to Get Away with Murder, let alone the three million other shows that are also on. We're losing our minds. It's all too good. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got a lot of emotions to unload on you. Join us for rants and raves!

RAVE: Scandal: Jake is free? Maybe? At least that's what it looked like tonight, after Olivia went all Command all over everything. After a visit to Tom in jail mostly just got her a very Rowanesque speech about how she's kind of like Helen of Troy, and a visit with her father had him threatening her, Olivia paid a guard to stab Tom and say it was courtesy of Command. Tom then confessed that Rowan had ordered the death of Fitz's son, and we sort of wish there had been a beautiful chorus of Hallelujahs as Jake was seemingly released into a room with Olivia…and Fitz. Now they're going after Rowan and we cannot wait!

RANT? RAVE? HELP!: Scandal: Our Jake-loving hearts (sorry not sorry) are confused by Fitz's slightly creepy but also kind of hot phone conversation with Olivia, in which he told her all the very sexy things he would do to her, so long as there was actually still hope for their relationship. He's really running with this "hope" thing, and we are beginning to find it very annoying.  

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Tina Rowden/The CW

RANT: The Vampire Diaries: If you thought it was going to be easy to get Delena back, you would be wrong, and you clearly are new to this show. After refusing to see the newly returned Damon, Elena finally decided to ask Alaric to de-compel her. Of course, first, Alaric had to rescue Damon and Enzo from Tripp's vamp-killer van, but he ended up in a car accident that threw him across the Mystic Falls boundary. Jo – who was following him, and is also a witch, btw – showed up just in time to save him, after the magic had faded away. Yep – Alaric's a human again, and Elena is stuck with her new fake memories.     

RAVE: The Vampire Diaries: We were so Team Damon tonight it wasn't even funny, from his voicemail to Bonnie to the way he was just so sure that as soon as he and Elena locked eyes, she would be in love with him again. It was too much, and yet not enough at the same time. Oddly, we were almost made more emotional by the voicemail, especially when he was mad that her answering machine wasn't a satisfactory sampling of her voice. "I might miss you a little bit," he said. And we might be swooning a little bit.

RANT: The Vampire Diaries: Quit arguing about things, Caroline and Stefan! It's hard to believe in the love we want you to have when you are constantly fighting and saying you don't want to be friends anymore. Stop it!

ABC/Michael Ansell

RAVE: How To Get Away With Murder: Lila was pregnant! OMG! After Griffin's defense attorney asked for Lila's body to be exhumed based on some potential fingernail markings, it was discovered that the sorority girl was with definitely expecting when she died. If the baby isn't Sam's, we'll be shocked.

RANT: How to Get Away with Murder: As much as we're pretty sure Rebecca is innocent, it is definitely not the best idea for Wes to choose right now to start sleeping with her. Also how gross yet beautifully edited was that sex scene intercut with the autopsy? It felt very "this will make really creepy sense later," but we sure hope that it doesn't mean anything terrible for Wes.

RANT: How to Get Away with Murder: In the flash-forward (or in present day?), Wes was washing blood off of Rebecca and she was telling him how she hit Sam on the head with the trophy, but she's still not the murderer, and we're still not sure if we like or trust her. 

What did you watch tonight? What would you like to rant and rave about? Join us in the comments!

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