Daniel Radcliffe Worked as Nylon Magazine's Receptionist and the Staff's Reactions Are Priceless: Watch!

Check out the hilarious clip of the Harry Potter star

By Brett Malec Jul 15, 2015 5:24 PMTags

Daniel Radcliffe may want to stick with acting!

The 25-year-old Harry Potter star recently filled in as the front desk receptionist at the Nylon magazine offices. Even though Radcliffe only worked the front desk for one hour, he got himself into a bevy of hilarious pickles.

At first, Nylon employees were shocked an surprised to see the super-famous star working in their office. "Nice to meet you. You have great hair!" one lady said. Another man exclaimed, "Wow, this is weird."

"Am I too much of a fan if I take a picture with you?" another girl giggled.

But things got tricky when staffers asked Radcliffe to perform actual duties. When one man asked for stamps Radcliffe hilariously responded, "I'm not sure if I can help you out right now. You might want to come back when someone more experienced is working here."

"I'm struggling with the pressure. I'm cracking already, it's not been good," he added.

Then, Joe Jonas walks into the office for a meeting and trips Radcliffe up with a request. So what did Radcliffe do to make Jonas say "This new guy sucks"? Watch the video for yourself!

Jonas shared a short clip of the funny video on Instagram with the caption, "Here is Daniel Radcliffe as @nylonmag's receptionist for the day. I didn't go very easy on him. full video at nylon.com."