McDonald's Is Taking This Item Off Their Menu For Good

McBye, McWraps!

By Julia Hays Apr 15, 2016 3:53 PMTags
McDonald's Premium McWrapMcDonald's

McBye, McWraps!

McDonald's is officially cutting wraps from their menu, according to Bloomberg.

It turns out that attempt to offer a healthier option just wasn't what the people wanted.

Lettuce be frank, Mickey D's: the customers have clearly spoken and what they wanted was all-day breakfast (which they got. Thank you.)

McDonald's Premium McWraps have been on the menu since 2013 but never really took off.

If you're one of the few burger haters that liked the wrap options, you'll just have to be a fast food fanatic who lobbies for your favorite foods to make a comeback to the menu.

Go forth and start a Facebook group and campaign for what you believe in, wrap eaters.

McWraps now join the McDonald's food graveyard of failed menu items, which includes the McPizza, the McSalad Shakers, and McSpaghetti.

And we'll never forget you, McLobster.

We think we miss you most of all.

The McDonald's wraps have mostly been phased out at this point, so if you find one of those rare unicorn wraps still being served at a location, gobble it up.

That McWrap could be your last.

(Until they become "retro" and "nostalgic" and return for a limited-time, McRib-style run someday. You know it's just a matter of time.)