Olive Garden's Twitter Will Give You Free Dating Advice If You Use The Hashtag #AskAlfredo

Ask your pressing love life questions and the restaurant will answer!

By Dominique Haikel Nov 12, 2015 11:11 PMTags
Olive Garden Breadstick SandwichOlive Garden

This is on another level, y'all. Yesterday we wrote an article about all the amazing free things we've gotten from our Twitter relationship with Olive Garden. We're talking coupons, free desserts, and even dating advice. Yes, that's right, one time, Olive Garden tried to set us up on a date. So thoughtful, right? If you're currently seething with envy, rest assured, your time has come. It turns out our article struck a chord with our favorite chain, and now you too can get free dating advice from Olive Garden's Twitter. 

You're welcome, friends. If you tweet the @OliveGarden with your dating question and the hashtag #AskAlfredo, they will give you some pretty solid advice. After gathering our jaw off the floor we booted up our Twitter to get some answers. After testing it out we can safely say we're fully prepared to enter the dating world once more. So go ahead, #AskAlfredo your wildest dating inquiries and tell us how it goes. Who knows, you may meet your future boo at a restaurant nearest you. Bread sticks and chill? 

Truer words have never been spoken. Carbs are no longer the enemy. 

What are you going to ask Alfredo? Share in the comments!