Watch this Montage of Pixar Movie Friendships and Try Not to Cry Your Eyes Out

Just try not to cry.

By Seija Rankin Oct 19, 2015 7:15 PMTags
The Good DinosaurDisney Pixar

Toy StoryInside OutWall-E

What do you think of when you hear those movie titles? First, Pixar. And then...tears. So many tears. In fact, the animation studio has pretty much cornered the market on therapeutic movie cries. Audience members line up just for the chance to bawl their eyes out in the name of childhood tragedy. But it's working!

Pixar achieves this reaction in many ways (like the obvious death), but one of the biggest sources of movie magic is the highly memorable friendships that its characters forge. Because come one, has there ever been a better twosome that Woody and Buzz Lightyear? Definitely not.

The studio's next flick on the lineup is The Good Dinosaur—Pixar pretty much gave up trying to narrate around the whole friendship thing and actually made a movie that is about nothing but. In The Good Dinosaur, an aptosaurus named Arlo befriends an unlikely human companion, and the rest is history. And tears. 

To promote the movie, which hits theaters at the end of November, they created a little montage of all the best Pixar friendships, featuring Woody and Buzz, the feelings from Inside Out and Sully and Mike from Monsters, Inc., to name a few. (Oh, and there's also the stars of Up, but we can't even talk about that without choking up). Because we weren't having a hard enough time keeping things together on this Monday. 

Prepare thy tissues.