Sex and the City: 25 Memorable Moments

Paris, engagements and breakups on our list of fave scenes

By Jenna Mullins Jun 06, 2013 5:20 PMTags
Sex and The CityHBO

Strap on those Manolos, because it's time to take a walk down Sex and the City memory lane to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the HBO series that introduced us to the one and only Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker).

As huge Sex and the City fans, we assigned ourselves the daunting task of picking 25 memorable moments from the series. From "funky spunk" to Carrie and Big's (Chris Noth) reunion in Paris, from proclamations of love to torturous breakups, Sex and the City had no shortage of scenes that will forever live fondly in our memories. We're just sorry we had to stop at 25.

Relive some of the best scenes with our Sex and the City: 25 Memorable Moments gallery!

And don't forget to watch E! June 6 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for a 12-hour Sex and the City marathon, celebrating the show's 15th anniversary!