A Full Booty Workout (With Ankle Weights!) You Can Do at Home

Pulse your way to a better backside

By Taylor Stephan Apr 10, 2017 1:00 PMTags

Like everyone else, you're slammed. 

But if you want a better booty—sorry—you still have to squeeze in your workout. The silver lining, however, is that it doesn't need to be some crazy-intense class with tons of equipment. Here's a workout you can actually do at home. Celeb trainer Erin Oprea prides herself on giving her mostly famous Nashville-based clientele, like Jana Kramer, workouts they can do anywhere, anytime (in the singer's case, smack dab in the middle of her daughter's playroom).

"There's always ways to up the ante. In this case, just add ankle weights to target the backside even more," noted the pro.

It doesn't have to be a lot of weight, either (Erin's are 10-pounders). With or without, this sequence is no joke! 

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1-Leg Squat With Side Kick 

Step 1: With all your weight on your right foot (you can keep your left toe lightly tapped on the ground for balance), lower down into a squat.

Step 2: As you stand halfway up, kick your left leg straight out to the side, squeezing your glutes. Pro tip: Focus on control, don't just swing your leg out.

Step 3: Bring your leg back in for another squat.

Step 4: Repeat 15 times before squatting on your left leg and kicking out with your right. Complete three sets on each side. 

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V-Leg Raises

Step 1: Start on your hands and knees and extend your left leg straight out behind you.

Step 2: Pointing your toe, raise your left leg toward the sky and, as you lower just to hip level, cross your leg over to your right side.

Step 3: Bring your left leg back up to the sky and down again, this time crossing to the left side. Pro tip: Don't just swing your leg back and forth. Also be sure to keep your leg locked out throughout the exercise.

Step 4: Perform 20 reps, three times on each side (over and back is 1 rep).

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Footprint Pulse

Step 1: Start resting on your elbows and knees, keeping your hips facing toward the floor the whole exercise.

Step 2: Bring your right leg up off the ground, bending your knee at 90-degree angle.

Step 3: Flexing your foot (as if you'll be pressing a footprint into the ceiling), pulse up in tiny movements. Pro tip: Squeeze your bottom tighter and tighter as you pulse your foot straight up.

Step 4: Repeat three times on each side for 30 reps.

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Table Slides

Step 1: Start resting on your hands and knees, bringing your right knee up into a fire hydrant position.

Step 2: Next, slide your leg straight back until your leg is locked and fully extended backward. Pro tip: Make sure you're squeezing your bottom tightly the whole time.

Step 3: Now slide your knee back to the starting position. Pro tip: Never let your knee drop as if it's sliding across a table top.

Step 4: Send your leg straight back for 20 reps, three times on each side.

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Lunge Pulse 

Step 1: Hold onto a wall for balance and step back into a reverse lunge with your back knee hovering just off the ground.

Step 2: As you straighten your standing leg (being sure not to lock it out), lift your back leg off the ground. Pro tip: Be sure to keep your chest tall, your core tight and do not lean forward.

Step 3: Return to a deep bend with your back leg on the floor (your starting position). 

Step 4: Pulse for 15 reps and repeat three times on each side.

Yeah, baby, you got back. Just in time for warmer weather, too!

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