Your Childhood Is Over: Monopoly Just Got Rid of Its Most Iconic Feature

Say goodbye to the paper money

By Dominique Haikel Aug 11, 2016 7:30 PMTags
Monopoly Game BoardHasbro

R.I.P. classic Monopoly. R.I.P childhood. R.I.P humanity. Just kidding, it's not that dramatic, but this news is still pretty freaking unreal. Monopoly, the game we all grew up with, is doing away with literally the most important part of the game. Following in the footsteps of Disney parks, Monopoly is also getting rid of their paper money, believe it or not. Saying goodbye to Disney Dollars was traumatic enough, and now Monopoly has to go and rip our hearts out too. Think about it; how will the kiddos of tomorrow learn to make it rain? Crucial knowledge.

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Instead of cash money, Monopoly will be all about the plastic. The new game is called 'Monopoly Ultimate Banking,' which sounds like the name of every extreme-themed toy in the '90s. In other triggering news, the game will also be getting rid of the role of the banker. You're killing us, Hasbro! Is nothing sacred anymore? The game first rolled out in 1935, and we're guessing, since a lot has changed between now and then, they're doing all of this to keep up with the times. Le sigh. 

The new game will use "readable bank cards, event cards and title deeds," instead of that pretty pastel money you used to throw all over the place for your mom to clean up. Come to think of it; maybe this change isn't so bad after all. 

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