Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, One of TV's Smartest Shows, Is Now on Netflix—What Are You Waiting For?

Get ready to embrace West Covina as your new home

By Chris Harnick Jul 05, 2016 3:19 PMTags
Crazy Ex-GirlfriendCW

Remember when you heard there was a show called Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and your immediate reaction was probably to scoff at the title because it's anti-woman and perpetuates stereotypes? You then proceeded to ignore the show. You made a mistake.

As the theme song says, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a lot more nuanced than that. Now you have a chance to right your wrong and finally get on board the Crazy train since the show's entire first season is now streaming on Netflix. It's time for you to visit West Covina.

If you need anymore convincing to check out the series, well, here you go: Why you should check out Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Netflix.

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Rachel Bloom
The show's co-creator and star is a force to be reckoned with. She took home the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy for good reason. Nothing is off limits for Bloom, she goes all in when it comes to her character Rebecca Bunch and that's exactly what you want in character/actor. When she was nominated for a Golden Globe the show was still fairly new and there was still some question about the show's title and whether or not it's sexist, so we asked her what she says to those people who call it sexist: "I say watch the show and within the first two minutes you'll understand the title is a deconstruction—the show is meant to be a deconstruction of tropes and stereotypes and take the stick out of your ass and just watch my show. Yeah, I guess my advice to them, on a medical level is to go to the hospital and get the stick removed from their ass because if you leave a stick in your ass for too long it will, I don't know, it will probably get infected and you'll have to have your ass taken out. [Laughs.] Yeah, just watch my show before you judge it. You will understand that the show is arguing exactly what you are, that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a stereotypical title. That is the whole point of it, that we are using it as a deconstruction, we are meant for it to be a bold statement about a bold character that we then look at the nuances of. Any one who watches the show immediately gets it, so instead of gratifying a subway ad, sit down at your little computer or sit down at your DVR and watch my amazing show. And you will see and your eyes will be open and the stick will pop out of your ass."

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Tovah Feldshuh
Yes, Deanna from The Walking Dead sings and she's basically your mom. As Naomi Bunch, Feldshuh steals every scene she's in—even if it's just an audible appearance. Everybody knows a Naomi, whether it's their own mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, friend's mother, etc. Marvel at how accurate the writing is with Feldshuh's character, which brings us to…


The Writing
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's writing is sharp up and down, from passing dialogue to the original songs that are peppered throughout each episode. Each character has a unique voice that generally takes shows years to cultivate, but Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has it down pat now. Plus, the show is heralded for its portrayal of bisexuality and relationships, which makes it even more special.

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The Songs
These precious little earworms will bring you so much joy. There's a song for everything, from having sex with a stranger to girl crushes and giving somebody a UTI. See? Everything. Take "You Stupid Bitch" (above) for example. Who hasn't had these internal conversations after a social mishap? Well, now you have a song to sing to yourself.

The Ambition
You have to respect a show that isn't afraid to turn everything on its head, which is what Crazy Ex-Girlfriend does on more than one occasion—just in its first year. Bloom has said she has plans for the show mapped out for years and it shows. There's a journey here and you don't want to miss what happens next. Yes, this is a show that will highlight character growth! What an anomaly.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season one is now streaming on Netflix. Season two premieres Friday, Oct. 21 at 9 p.m. on The CW.

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