Wait, We've All Been Using Post-It Notes Wrong This Entire Time?!

If you think you've been using those little square pieces of paper correctly, you've got another thing coming

By Jenna Mullins Mar 08, 2016 9:56 PMTags
Post-ItGetty Images

Well, this settles it. Our entire existence as a functioning human race has all been a façade.

Think about how you use Post-It Notes. You probably used one today or at least somewhat recently. How else are you going to remember that we're only 58 days from Captain America: Civil War? Anyway, you probably wrote on the Post-It, grabbed the bottom and then just ripped it upwards off the stack to stick it somewhere, right?

Wrong. WRONG. Everything you know and love is wrong!

Hexjam has resurfaced an old blog from Martin Schapendonk (dibs on "Shape ‘n' Donk as a name for our band), and it turns out we've all been using Post-Its incorrectly this whole time.

Apparently, you're supposed to pull the Post-It off the stack not with the sticky side at the top, but on the side. There's a reason Post-Its never seem to stick to anything and always curl up, and the reason is that you're peeling it off incorrectly.

Confused? Don't worry; we illustrated it with some Post-It Notes we had lying around. The black stripe represents the location of the sticky line.

Do not peel the Post-It up with the sticky line at the top of the stack:


Peel the Post-It up with the sticky line on the right or left side:


You can totally tell the difference between the way you tear off the top Post-It when you stick them to a surface:


See how the wrong way curls up and off the wall and the right way just stays flat and smooth? It's a miracle!

In conclusion:


Romy and Michele should have told us how to use Post-It Notes since they were the ones who invented them.

Touchstone Pictures
Touchstone Pictures

Was this article all a ruse to just talk about Romy and Michele's High School Reunion? Probably.

Speaking of blowing your mind, check out this latest update on O.J. Simpson's murder case:

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