Agent Carter Finale Was So Close to a Happy Ending But Now We Definitely Need a Season 3

We need more Peggy Carter and we need her now

By Lauren Piester Mar 02, 2016 4:06 AMTags
Agent Carter, Hayley AtwellABC

We'll miss you, Chad Michael Murray

We will not, however, miss Agent Carter, because it's coming back. It has to. We refuse to go on living our lives without knowing Peggy Carter's returning to us. 

Tonight's season two finale closed things up in LA for the most part, with Peggy (Hayley Atwell) and the gang opening up their own rift to get rid of the zero matter that had transferred itself over to Whitney when it exploded at the end of last week's episode. 

The rift got a bit hairy for a minute, but the zero matter was safely gotten rid of and the rift closed, with the help of Stark's poor hovercar. 

Everyone was preparing to head back to New York, until Jarvis suggested to Peggy that she might have "one compelling reason to stay." 

Cut to Peggy in Sousa's office, and him telling her she was totally reckless and should have just let him sacrifice himself to the rift. Next thing we knew, they were making out, and we were cheering our little faces off. 


That was almost the end of the episode, and everything was almost fine, but then we had to check in on Jack (Chad Michael Murray) as he was preparing for his own trip to New York. He answered a knock at the door and found himself shot in the chest by the gun on the other side. While he lay dead on the floor (we presume, at least), his unknown murderer grabbed a redacted file on Peggy and fled the room. 

We have so many questions: Who? Why? What do they want with Peggy's file? And how long do we have to wait to find out what happens next? And how dare anyone make us fear for the future of this delightful show?!

We're watching you, ABC. And we're counting on you. 

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