Shondaland Round-Up: How to Get Away with Murder Has Never Been Twister, or Sexier, or Better

Plus, check out Shondaland's most shocking sex scenes...ranked!

By Lauren Piester Nov 13, 2015 5:02 AMTags
Grey's Anatomy, Ellen PompeoABC

We spent a lot of this Thursday night real worried, guys. 

We were all ready with our gallery of 25 of TGIT's most shocking sex scenes, and then we quickly became afraid that there would be no sex tonight. This was almost not the TGIT we've come to know and love, and it was truly upsetting. 

Sure, there was a hint of sheet-rolling at the end of Grey's when April and Jackson finally reconciled in one way or another, but it wasn't until HTGAWM's sweet sex fest towards the end of the episode that finally gave us what we wanted: everyone doing it, right before things got hella twisty.

But we'll get to that in a moment. First...

Grey's Anatomy 

Who's down for a skull replacement? Tonight got particularly gory in the surgery department, and we did not appreciate it. What we did appreciate, however, was Amelia and Maggie's frank discussion about race and white privilege, and Meredith stepping up as Owen's person when he needed her the most. 

We still don't know much about why Owen's so anti-Nathan, but whatever Nathan did was enough to send Owen into a nearly complete mental breakdown. 

Meanwhile, Penny told Callie to back down from defending her against Meredith, and Bailey forced Ben to force Jackson out of their house, which is what led to his roll in the hay with his estranged wife. 

And of course, our favorite thing of all time: Richard acted as Arizona's wingwoman at the lesbian bar, and he was truly great at it.



Is it just us or was that a relatively uneventful episode of Scandal?

Fitz found out about Olivia's little secret that involved getting her father out of prison, and he was not happy. Liv was even under arrest for a hot minute, but that still didn't stop him from informing her that she was now living in the White House for her protection. 

After he claimed to believe that Papa Pope was the innocent one and told Liv he was only having Jake bring Command in, he actually instructed Jake to kill the dude, and by episode's end, Huck had his former boss held captive. There was also a whole subplot with a translator and vague sexual tension between Liv and Jake, but that was an unusually one-track-minded ep. 

How to Get Away with Murder

Welcome to twist city! 

Turns out Oliver was not kidnapped, and Philip didn't seem to be so first. Then, right after Catherine had nearly accepted a plea deal in the murder of her parents, it was revealed that she was actually working with Philip for what we can presume is "the entire time." 

Caleb also revealed that he knew where the murder weapon was and that he suspected his sister, right after he and Michaela finally sealed the deal. 


Also sealing the deal? Pretty much everyone, again. Nate and Annalise got it on while Frank and Laurel did the deed and Connor and Oliver stripped down in the lecture hall. 

None of it, fortunately and unfortunately, was all that shocking. It was actually super sweet and we're incredibly happy for everyone involved. Frank and Laurel may be a mess, but they're definitely enjoying each other right now and we can't fault them for that, we guess. 

Not everyone got busy tonight, however. Wes was all alone and Asher was forever in search of his BonBon, who was busy being sad in the shower after her shouting match with Annalise last week. Asher was also busy being named the possible new Frank, while Laurel might be taking over as Annalise's new Bonnie. 

In the flashforwards, Bonnie took the gun from Wes and yelled at everyone about whose fault everything was, and while it wasn't a lot, it was still enough to put the wait for next week at an all-time high. We have officially never been more obsessed with this show.


We love Star Wars just as much as the next human with eyes and a heart, but no, Shonda and the cast of Shondaland, Star Wars is not like Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. Just not even a little bit. The Force Awakens is probably the least in need of weird cross promotion of any movie ever in the history of movies. Stop it now! 

There's just one more week until it's winter finale time and we finally find out who shot Annalise, but to tide you over until then, be sure to click through our gallery of Shondaland's Most Shocking Sex Scenes, and then head to the comments to weigh in with your favorite! 

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