Meet The Good Wife's New and Surprising Couple in "Cooked"—But Where Was the Cooking?

Betrayal, the FBI, a cooking show and more in this week of the hit CBS drama

By Chris Harnick Oct 19, 2015 3:04 AMTags
The Good WifeCBS

A new couple rose from the ashes on The Good Wife. No, not Alicia and Jason (he wasn't even in this episode), but HOWARD LYMAN AND JACKIE FLORRICK. WHAT. They met at Alicia's apartment when he visited to seek Alicia's help in bringing an ageism suit against Lockhart/Agos and Lee. Again WHAT. They danced, they kissed, they had dinner, they exchanged favors. WHAT. "Cooked" was a wildly entertaining hour of The Good Wife with more twists and turns than usual. There was intrigue, romance, cooking segments and lots of knocks on Alicia's door. Let's get into it.

First of all, let me just say this: I was disappointed we didn't get more with Alicia and Veronica. You mean to tell me you get Stockard Channing to guest star and put her character on a cooking show with Julianna Margulies' and we only see one very brief scene with them actually in the kitchen? There has to be more of that on the cutting room floor, right? What we did get was great. Veronica talked about not being there for Alicia during the scandal. More of this! More of this! More of this! Ruth was not pleased with the disaster, but Eli sure was. OK, now that that is off my chest…


The case of the week saw Alicia representing Morello's husband from Orange Is the New Black (real name John Magaro. He's in everything these days) in a designer drug case. Of course things were not what they seemed! Magaro's Roland wasn't really a drug creator making a new GHB, he was an FBI agent working a sting against the bond court judge. How did Alicia find out he was lying about who he was? Thanks to Grace. Yes, Grace is proving her worth this season and it is delightful. Things took a turn when  Alicia confronted him about being in the FBI and it got even crazier when the judge denied the bribe and Alicia's motion for dismissal, leading Roland to think Alicia tipped off the judge. But it wasn't Alicia it was … Eli Gold! He tipped off the judge in order to get some dirt on Frank Landau. Finally, Eli Gold is given the arc he deserves. He's scheming and making moves and it is great. The case also created some friction between Lucca and Alicia and now I love Lucca even more.


Meanwhile, Howard's ageism suit was discovered by David Lee and this royally pissed off Diane because she had just visited Alicia and offered her the firm's overflow cases. Diane misses Alicia! Why can't they be friends? You could see how much she missed her when she was talking to that intern. It felt a little out of character to me that Diane would fly over to Alicia's apartment and confront her, but then again the two have been through so much. Let them have some martinis and sing "Why Can't We Be Friends" already!

So Howard and Jackie, sitting in a tree. Seriously. The unexpected rise of Howard Lyman is a welcome one, but I'm worried it's going to end with his death. Or Jackie's.  Lots of moving parts in this Good Wife, things are certainly taking off.

Gasp count: 2

Some other things:

"Hi. I love your coasters." – Howard Lyman greeting Alicia in her own house.

Jackie's mom use to make her eat a clove of garlic for laughing. Is that a thing? Also, can we talk about what I only assume is Jackie's new sex hair without her headband? What is happening?

Diane seemed to take the lack of love and relationship comment the intern made a little too close to home. Please don't get rid of Gary Cole!

Julianna Margulies/Alicia remains the master of ~looks~. That look she gave when asked to go on the cooking show. "You can be yourself," Eli told her. "I want you to be yourself." New Eli is A+.

Of course Veronica was drunk before the cooking show. When she called Alicia out  on the tone of her voice, the irony in it, it was perfect. Repeating my displeasure from above—We need more Veronica!

"Great meeting. Thanks. Screw you." — Lucca to Alicia. When was the last time somebody spoke like that to Alicia? It is refreshing and interesting.

Margo Martindale continues to be a welcome foil and comedic addition to this show.

The Good Wife airs Sundays, 9 p.m. on CBS.

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