Someone Is Creating an App That's Basically Yelp for Humans Which Sounds Like a Terrible Idea

Creators of Peeple have been facing backlash regarding privacy and consent issues

By Jenna Mullins Sep 30, 2015 10:03 PMTags
Peeple App, FacebookPeeple/Facebook

"Yelp, but for people" sounds like a terrible idea, but when we did some research and read up on what the creators were doing… 

Nope. It still sounds like a terrible idea.

Peeple, an app being developed by Nicole McCullough and Julia Cordray, is causing some big waves online, but not the chill, gentle waves that someone like Matthew McConaughey probably surfs. These waves are giant, relentless and made of liquid hot magma.

It's basically a Yelp for humans, which means users can rate people like they do restaurants, businesses and schools.

"Peeple is an app that allows you to rate and comment about the people you interact with in your daily lives on the following three categories: personal, professional, and dating," reads the website. "Peeple will enhance your online reputation for access to better quality networks, top job opportunities, and promote more informed decision making about people."


Besides the matter of accuracy, bullying, and privacy, there is one big, glaring, oh s--t problem with this app:

Anyone, an-y-one can add you on this thing just by having your phone number. They can start a profile for you, rate you and leave comments about you, even if you don't sign up for this app. That's a lot of unwilling subjects that might be at the mercy of others when the app launches in November.

Under the FAQs, this is what it says about what to do if someone isn't on Peeple:

"If the person you are searching for is not in the app you can add their name, profile picture, and start their profile by rating them. You will need their cell phone number to start their profile and they will receive a text that you were the person to start their profile." 

Nope. That's not a good idea. We doubt people who don't want any part of this app will be OK with someone making a profile and rating them anyway. Surely you can remove yourself from Peeple?

Apparently not. Also under the FAQs is this note about being able to remove yourself off the app:

"No. Not at this time. We may consider this feature in the future."

If you are also wary or flat out disgusted by Peeple, you're not alone. Peeple's Facebook profile has been flooded with people questioning the creators on everything from security to bullying to accuracy. McCullough and Cordray seem to have answers for some of them, but not the answers these skeptical folks were looking for.

"As two empathetic, female entrepreneurs in the tech space, we want to spread love and positivity," Cordray told The Washington Post. "We want to operate with thoughtfulness."

We have to agree with those questioning the functionality and the necessity for an app like Peeple. McCullough and Cordray keep comparing Peeple to Yelp, but those are businesses. Those are corporations who use Yelp for promotion and they want consumers to rate them and leave feedback. It seems very dangerous to allow one human to start rating another human without consent, regardless of the terms and conditions or "integrity features" they've put in place.

What do you guys think of this Peeple app?

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