You'll Be Just Fine After Watching These New Flash & Arrow Trailers & Not Hyperventilating At All (Just Kidding)

An Olicity proposal?! How are we supposed to deal with that?

By Lauren Piester Sep 11, 2015 2:00 AMTags

Excuse us, CW. What are we even supposed to do with ourselves after watching these new full-length trailers for Arrow and The Flash

How exactly are we supposed to process everything we just saw? You can't just throw a potential Olicity proposal at us and not expect us to start dying off. Who will watch your shows then, huh? 

And what of that shiny new Flash trailer? Actual goosebumps arose on our skin with that opening. "Why did you want to kill me?" is exactly the question we have for whoever made these promos, because we're actually melting away into piles of fangirl mush. 

Sorry. We just get really emotional when shows release really good trailers, and these are really damn good. 

The new trailer for The Flash, which you can watch above, gives us some great glimpses at all the new friends, foes, and love interests we're expecting from season two, including Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten), Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), and Zoom, who doesn't sound like such a nice guy. 

Arrow, meanwhile, looks to be heading towards an important milestone in the Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards) relationship. It seems soon, but then again, who cares? Their love will last forever, right? Watch the trailer below! 

Yep, that appeared to be Oliver putting an engagement ring in a...souffle? Mug cake? Chocolate lava cake? Either way, it looks like he baked, and if that's the case, we'd absolutely say yes because who doesn't want a man who can both bake and beast a salmon ladder? 

Also, did you see Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) stopping that arrow in midair? And then Olicity in bed? And Felicity with the machine gun again?! 

This post has gotten away from us. We're so sorry. We need fall TV to come back really badly to save us from both this heat and from ourselves. 

Also when is "Flash Day" and how do we celebrate it? Will there be cake? Sign us up for the cake, please. 

The Flash returns Tuesday, Oct. 6 and Arrow returns Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. on the CW. 

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