Latest Batch of Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton's Favorite Television Shows and How She Takes Her Tea

Presidential hopeful is just like us

By Kendall Fisher Sep 01, 2015 8:26 PMTags
Hillary ClintonYana Paskova/Getty Images

There's no doubt Hillary Clinton's email scandal and the release of information surrounding them has been intense, but we have to laugh a little at the less serious tidbits of information gleaned from them.

For example, in the latest batch of emails released on Monday—the fourth and largest group—not only did we learn about the presidential hopeful's favorite television shows, but we also found out how she likes her tea and her struggles with using an iPad.

"Can you give me times for two TV shows: Parks and Recreation and The Good Wife?" she asked her aide Monica Hanley.

In the same message she also requests Hanley buy more skim milk for her tea.


Then, in another one of about 7,000 emails, communications aide Philippe Reines informs her that her new iPad is in. She responds, "That is exciting news—do you think you can teach me how to use it on the flight to Kyev next week?"

But we can't really blame her—technology can be pretty tricky these days, and if you have the help, why not take advantage of learning how to use it?

Personal habits aside, however, there were about 125 emails in this latest batch that were considered classified and marked as "B1"—a code that exempts the documents from the Freedom of Information Act, according to ABC. They underwent heavy editing before going online Monday.

The release of this information is part of an investigation surrounding Clinton using her personal email account to send government emails containing classified information that could have potentially been compromised. The investigation started in March, and Clinton has been fully cooperative in working with the State Department to release the emails to the public.

So far, about 25 percent of her emails have been publicized. The State Dept. says it hopes to release all of them by the end of January.

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