Fall Will Never Be the Same: Introducing Pumpkin Spice Latte Jell-O Shots

Your favorite season will never be the same.

By Seija Rankin Aug 12, 2015 9:10 PMTags
Pumpkin Spice Latte Jello Shotsthatssomichelle.com

Did you hear that? It was the sound of one million basic bitches collectively gasping. 

And no, it's not because Instagram suddenly banned palm tree pictures and artisanal tablescapes. It's because the Pumpkin Spice Latte Jell-O shot now exists. That's right, you can now combine your love of the most quintessential cold weather drink of all time with your love for getting really drunk really fast. It's basically like fall in a cup, if fall kind of tastes like crap and makes you fall down and then throw up.

You can almost feel the leaves crunching under your feet, can't you?

This horrifying genius concoction was created by, you guessed it, a blogger. The site That's So Michelle specializes in "easy, boozy party treats & recipes, so we suppose it was only a matter of time before she came up with the idea for the PSL Jell-O shot. And in case you were still confused, this recipe is definitely one that's meant to be enjoyed solely in the fall, along with things like "caramel apples coated in crunchy peanuts" and "crisp mornings that require a jacket for your morning commute." Just so we're all on the same page.

The recipe itself is actually pretty easy. You'll need the expected items like plastic shot glasses, vanilla or caramel coffee (Starbucks brand, duh!), sweetened condensed milk and pumpkin pie spice. You'll also need some semi-disgusting ingredients like gelatin, whipped cream flavored vodka and Cool Whip. Sorry waistlines!

We won't bog you down with the instructions—you can go here for that—but we will take a moment to reflect on our nostalgia for all the PSLs of years past, and to remind you that you're going to need to make these if you expect to garner even a single Instagram like in the coming months. Happy preparing!

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