Amazon's Prime Day Is Basically a Mediocre Yard Sale and People Are Pissed

Website promised amazing deals, but most consumers feel the products don't live up to hype and have been venting on Twitter with #PrimeDayFail

By Jenna Mullins Jul 15, 2015 9:09 PMTags
Amazon Prime DayAmazon

Plastic Popsicle molds? Clorox Disinfecting Wipes? Adult gummy vitamins? Letter laminating pouches?!

These Amazon Prime deals are insaaaane, you guys! Go buy 'em before they're all gone! But get in line behind us because we want first dibs on that black knee strap!

Oh, wait…

[Sad trombone noise]

Amazon's Prime Day was supposed to be have "more deals than Black Friday," exclusive only to Prime members. It had been hyped for weeks and Amazon devotees were chomping at the bit for this glorious day to arrive. And then it did! It finally did!

And…it sucked. #primedayfail

Sure, some of these deals are pretty sweet. Samsung TV, Bose headphones and Amazon Fire TV bundles at a huge discount is for sure a steal, but for the most part, people found Amazon's Prime Day to be a big, fat letdown

Let this be a lesson, Amazon. If you're going to promote the crap out of huge sale like Prime Day, please make sure it's not the equivalent of your dad wrapping a pack of white tube socks in a Nintendo 3DS box. That's just cruel.

And don't worry, Amazon. Your track record has been near flawless and we would be lost without you, so no one will stay mad at you for long. Just ride it out until people forget that you tried to get everyone excited about selling a Dual Julienne & Vegetable Peeler for 54% off.

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