Will Fitz Go to War to Save Olivia? Check Out This Tense Scandal Sneak Peek

With his true love held hostage, we're pretty sure Fitz won't be thinking straight when it comes to politics on the ABC hit drama

By Sydney Bucksbaum Feb 05, 2015 2:00 PMTags
Scandal, Kerry WashingtonABC/Nicole Wilder

Our hearts have finally stopped racing from that incredibly bats--t bananas Scandal midseason premiere. It took us seven days, a full week, but we're finally at a normal blood pressure level.

Just in time for it to pick back up for an all-new episode tonight! Don't you love how that works?!

When we last left off with Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington), she had just straight-up murdered one of her captors with shot to the face (guess all those lessons with Jake [Scott Foley] really paid off!) only to find out she wasn't being held in a rundown building in a hot, sandy country like she thought...nope, she was in a warehouse, with special effects only making her think she was halfway across the globe.

ABC/Nicole Wilder

Worst of all, her fellow hostage Ian (Jason Butler Harner), whom she opened up to and tried to help and thought she got killed, was actually her kidnapper! Twist.

Ian, the brains behind the whole kidnapping/hostage operation, was only lulling Olivia into a false sense of security so she would reveal all her secrets to him, which she did. She immediately told him that the President of the United States would be searching for her, and wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, in order to calm him down when he was pretending to be freaking out.

And that's exactly the information he needed. Turns out, Ian has a larger plan to use Olivia as blackmail to get the POTUS to go to war, and we've got a sneak peek of tonight's tense episode "Where's the Black Lady?" now!

Press play on the video above to watch Ian taunt Olivia about whether or not Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) will go to war to save her. She doesn't think using her as bait will be enough to sway a prez who doesn't negotiate with terrorists, but we're actually inclined to think Ian's right...as much as we hate to agree with that snide, cocky man. Without the White House, fancy suits and everything in his job description, Fitz is just a man who has lost the woman he loves, and will do just about anything to get her back.

We'd even bet more than a dollar on that. But what do you think? Sound off in the comments below to let us know if you think Fitz will go to war to get Olivia back, or if he'll put the country's needs before his own!

Scandal airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on ABC.

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