Maria Menounos & Yogi Cameron Demonstrate How to Breathe Properly to Feel Less Stressed—Watch!

Are you breathing properly? Find out!

By Lindsey Sirera Jan 30, 2015 7:36 PMTags

Breathe in, breathe out… Sound familiar?

Sure, everyone gets the gist when it comes to breathing. But many take for granted the benefits of breathing properly, or may not even realize that they're not breathing correctly. So, we went straight Maria Menounos and her pal Yogi Cameron to find out exactly how to inhale and exhale the right way.

Little known fact: Cameron explains that not breathing properly can lead to some serious health issues. "Every part of our system depends on our breathing: our nervous system depends on the breathing, the digestive system," he explained.  "Absolutely everything we do depends on how we breathe." That includes the nervous system, the immune system—even stress levels are related to breathing!

Now the moment of truth: How exactly does one breathe properly? Watch the video now to find out!

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