What You Need to Know About That Viking Diet Everyone Is Talking About

New fad diet of 2015 has arrived

By Nicole Adlman Jan 08, 2015 7:02 PMTags
Nordic DietiStock

Out with the Mediterranean, in with the...Nordic?

It's 2015, folks, and the health aficionados have spoken: The Scandinavian-influenced Viking diet is the new food bandwagon to jump on. Why is it called "Viking," you ask? Only because those warriors of yore feasted on similar fare in the Nordic region.

But this seems kind of familiar, doesn't it? Last year was all about the trendy Mediterranean diet (not too dissimilar from this year's Viking rendition), and before that we were told to follow the ways of our cavemen predecessors (Ah, the Paleolithic era: The one that got away).

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So what is there to this Viking-approved diet? As we said, the Nordic way of noshing is just a little more than a stone's throw away from the protein, fat and antioxidant-rich Mediterranean fare. Following the Viking diet will allow you to fill up on berries, root vegetables—yes, potatoes are a go!—and fish like cod or salmon (all locally-sourced, if possible). Canola oil is favored by the Nordic set over the Mediterranean go-to—olive oil. All meats are game if they're organic or locally-sourced, as well as marine-based fare like seaweed and snails.

Now you're probably wondering what's in it for you (besides day-to-day sustenance for life, of course). The Viking diet has been said to contribute to weight loss and lower blood pressure in overweight individuals—although all food intake for this particular study, which was conducted in Denmark, was monitored.

Whether you're into the diet du jour or not, it can't hurt to try to eat locally-sourced foods, healthier fats and antioxidant-filled fruits, right? But here's to hoping that next year's new diet is inspired by the Caribbean (jerked everything, duh).

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