2015 Wellness Secrets, Courtesy of the E! Style Collective

Candice Kumai shares healthy ideas for the New Year

By Candice Kumai Jan 06, 2015 8:20 PMTags
Candice KumaiEvi Abeler

‘Tis the season for New Year's reflections and resolutions galore. There's no shortage of self-improvement in sight, which can be both amazing and intimidating. Well, let me help you lift away some of that heavy expectation. There's no pressure here—just some simple, new and brilliant wellness secrets. Here are five of my favorite clean and refreshing ways to give your life a natural boost. No commitments necessary—just some major fabulous inspo for the New Year. Here's to a healthier you!

Evi Abeler

Drink Cleaner & Greener: Americans are drinking some unnecessary, excess calories daily. The culprit? Sugary soda, processed drinks and processed sweetened juices. These sugar-laden drinks often have very little, if any, nutritional value and they may contribute to obesity, type-2 diabetes as well as weight gain. Wanna lose some pounds this year? Kick that soda or sugary-drink habit and opt for some clean green drinks! You will end up saving thousands of extra calories a year! 

Mega Bonus: How about drinking more water and green tea? Stay hydrated the cleaner way. For those who want to look (and feel) like a million bucks, stay fuller longer and have glowing, gorgeous skin, simply drinking more water and less soda and sugary drinks will do the trick. The secret to staying gorgeous and ageless could also be green tea. Research shows that drinking antioxidant-packed green tea may help to aid in the prevention of aging skin. Hell yeah, I'll cheers to that!

Meditation is the New Green: Research suggests meditation may help to improve your mental focus, boost your immune system, reduce violence and help to boost academic performance among students. A total-mega-bonus, meditation can help to reduce stress and help build compassion and mindfulness. Now why would you not want to breathe deeper? Anyone can meditate and best of all, it's free. Find a quiet space, cross your legs and place your hands on your knees. Place your palms up to receive, or down to stay grounded and breathe deeply. Say to yourself inside: "Deep breaths, calm mind, beautiful day." Or whatever helps you to feel enlightened that day. See how you feel after meditating for approximately five to ten minutes a day. You may feel really amazing through this process. Check out this app that I love called Headspace.

Evi Abeler

Clock More Sleep: Make sure you clock at least eight hours of sleep per night. Honey, more sleep may lead to a much more fabulous appearance and a sharper memory. Simply getting more ZZZs may even help in the prevention of obesity and some serious diseases like type-2 diabetes and heart disease. Your beauty sleep is a must this year, so clock it. Can't get to bed early? Some tips that may help: Turn off your phone or simply turn your ringer off. Sleep with electronic devices outside of your bedroom. Create a relaxing, dark and comfortable space, read a book or a mag with dim lighting. Still can't sleep? Try some calming meditation or deep breathing before beddie-bye time, a cup of chamomile tea or some relaxing yoga poses to make you feel amazing and relax.

Evi Abeler

Eat More Plant-Based Food & Cook More: This year, try to make a conscious effort to start eating and cooking with more whole and nutritious foods. Try whole veggies, whole fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lentils, beans and cook more in your home kitchen! Challenge yourself to eat less packaged, processed junk food and try cutting out or down on meat consumption. You may feel and look like a million bucks after a few weeks of eating cleaner. Reducing your meat consumption can help to improve your overall health as well as the environment. It takes less energy and creates less waste to consume a plant-based diet. Say you're traveling at the airport—pack a banana or a fresh fruit salad, some green tea bags and raw almonds, versus packing bars and packaged candy and cookies etc. Opt to cook some delish meatless mains throughout the week. You'll definitely notice a difference in that waistline and feel fabulous about what you are doing with that hot bod in 2015.

Evi Abeler

Practice Kindness & Gratitude: Kindness may seem like common sense, but hectic schedules and stress, we can get a little cray. Make sure to cherish, cultivate and maintain healthy and positive relationships. Love a little more, cherish a little more and show others you care. Give someone you love a call, give them a big hug and a kiss, write them a kind card or note, meet them for a coffee or a workout next weekend, schedule in a Skype call. I honestly have a crazy, travel-laden, hectic bi-coastal schedule, and of course things can get tricky. Sometimes, I have my moments where I feel glum inside or lost with my career path, but I constantly remind myself that I really do have it all and I don't need to compare myself to anyone. I make this life the best one, now. I remind myself…I have an amazing boyfriend, loving parents, a dream job, the most fab real friends and an awesome life! In 2015, start loving your life, practice grace and the feeling of gratitude. Show those you love your grace, kindness and empathy. Best of all, it's free. My love and grace to all of you in 2015! Make this year the one that truly shines from the inside-out!

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