13 Instagrams That Prove You're Having the Best Fall Ever

If you don't have a photo of the changing leaves, then are you really having the best autumn possible?

By Elizabeth Freda Oct 14, 2014 7:25 PMTags
AutumnGetty Images

In our second installment of "Do Your Instagram Photos Say You're Living Life to the Fullest?" we'd like to explore the stereotypical fall Instagrams that truly tell people, "Hey, I'm having a great time over here." Some of these photos seem a little obvious and a little basic, so if you've skipped them to stay hip and cool, please reserve all judgment. We can't all be as much of a try-hard.

Here are 13 photos that tell the world you're truly embracing fall and all the wonders that come with it. After all, autumn is the best time of the year.

1. A Pumpkin Spice Latte

Let's just start this list off with the most obvious—yet most celebrated, fall staple of them all… the PSL. Extra points if you find a way to Instagram it other than holding the latte with your fall-themed nails while your riding boots are on display in the background.

2. The changing leaves

Some of you live in states with a lot of really tall trees that yield coconuts, make little to no shade, and produce no real form of "leaves." To that we say: spend fall in some place with real seasons. We swear you'll fall in love. It'll open your eyes to a whole new autumn you've never known before.

3. A pumpkin patch

We don't care what the weather report says. If you haven't gone to a pumpkin patch this autumn, then you haven't even had an autumn. Your social media popularity is a lie.

4. Apple picking

Apple orchards just scream fall and it's an excuse to get an aDoRbs Instagram with a scarf and a leather jacket. Bonus: Sometimes there are corn mazes, hot cider or a petting zoo. And maybe if you're lucky, a baby goat will escape its enclosure and you will get to babysit it until help arrives.

5. A decorated pumpkin

We were shocked when we heard that friends of ours had never carved a pumpkin. Even if you don't Instagram it, please, everyone, take part in the messy and joyful event that is carving a pumpkin. Feel free to get far more creative than just carving two triangles for eyes.

6. Cookies, pie or any dessert you've baked yourself

Showing the world you're both great at baking and an artistic Instagram genius never hurt anyone. Bonus points are awarded if the dessert is something seasonal.

7. Your pet in a costume

OK, so your pet is going to claw and scratch and roll her way out of her costume. Tough tacos. Do it for the ‘gram.

8. You in a costume

Because a good ol' cleavage shot still gets a few likes on Instagram these days. Just kidding. But in all seriousness, people should see your beautiful/witty/scandalous/goofy costume in all its glory.

9. A seasonal beer

Whether it's an Oktoberfest lager or a pumpkin cider, your Instagram will say, "I'm festive and like to have a good time."

10. Seasonal nails

To complement your other nail polish Instagrams from the other three seasons.

11. You in a cozy sweater/scarf/boots/etc.

This is a great excuse to get in a selfies when your makeup is lookin' bomb. Just take a chunky knit scarf and voila! An excuse to Instagram a picture of your face. Thank you for gracing us with your presence.

12. A warm fire, some candles or a cozy bed

Expanding on why fall is the best season, it's mostly because the weather is perfect to cuddle up. Be sure to put a photo out into the universe to let people know you and your S.O. are very happy cuddling next to the fire.

13. What you're thankful for

This category's great for squeezing in a cheesy quote or a photo collage of all your favorite people. Yeah, it's basic. No, we don't care. 

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