The 12 Emotions You Experience After Taylor Swift Announces Her New Album

Grammy-winning dance queen also released her new single "Shake It Off" and we are sobbing with joy

By Jenna Mullins Aug 18, 2014 10:09 PMTags
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Taylor Swift announced that her new album, titled 1989, will be released on Monday, Oct. 27. 

If you are a fan of Swifty, either a casual one or a severe, insane one (like us), the following string of emotions is probably what followed after the news hit your ears. And your heart:

1. Panic


2. Utter panic


3. Sheer, utter panic

We don't know what to do with ourselves. It's bad.

4. Joy

Our eyes are starting to water.

5. Utter joy

Here come the tears.

6. Sheer, utter joy

And now we're sobbing. New Taylor Swift album!

7. Questioning

Where do we get it? When? When?! Oh, she told us already. Where. WHERE?! Her website. Right. OK. Deep breaths.

8. Planning

First we have to download "Shake It Off" to put on our iPod. Then we have to pre-order the album. And watch the music video on repeat. We have a little more than two months to prepare for 1989.

9. Delusion

We can't believe this is happening. We've been waiting so long. We have been without new Taylor music for decades two years. And it's here. Is this happening? It is. Maybe. We can't see straight. Must be this. Sick. Beat.

10. Speculation

There has to be a song about Harry Styles, right? And almost definitely something about her cats. An ode to being a cat lady, maybe? That will be our new anthem.

11. Impatience

Is it Oct. 27 yet? Is there a new single yet? New music video? C'mon, Taylor! It's been literally minutes since your last big announcement. You have to give us something else after two years of waiting!

12. Happiness

We can't stop listening/dancing/shaking to "Shake It Off." We're now running around our offices/apartments/classrooms/neighborhoods screaming wildly because we are so damn happy. Our pants are still on, but we can't promise we won't whip them off in a fit of pure, unadulterated, unbridled celebration.

Listening to "Shake It Off" on repeat. Forever.


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