A Puppy Saved the Life of a 3-Year-Old Girl Who Got Lost in Siberia for 11 Days

Her pet dog led rescuers right to the spot where she had been hiding since being separated from her mother

By Jenna Mullins Aug 13, 2014 7:51 PMTags
Puppy Saves Little Girl, SiberiaYouTube

We'll be telling this story to our cats later, because the most heroic thing they've done lately is this: Instead of jumping directly on our full bladder this morning from the top of the headboard, they jumped slightly to the left of it. Get your s--t together, cats! Look at what this puppy did!

Three-year-old Karina Chikitova got lost in the forest for 11 days after she got separated from her mother, who thought her daughter had gone to her father's village in the remote area of the Sakha Republic. After realizing her daughter was missing, a massive search and rescue was launched, but after days of dead ends, the family and villagers were giving up hope.

Then, the family puppy, who had been with the daughter when she disappeared, came back home. At first, everyone took this as a bad sign.

"That was the moment when our hearts sank, because we thought at least with her dog Karina had chances to survive—nights in Yakutia are cold and some areas have already gone into minus temperature," Afanasiy Nikolayev, spokesman for the Sakha Republic Rescue Service, told the Daily Mail.  If she was to hug her puppy, we thought, this would have given her a chance to stay warm during nights and survive."

But it turns out, the puppy coming back was the miracle the search team was waiting for. The pet took rescuers to the location where Karina was spending her time, amazingly surviving on wild berries and river water and sleeping in a field of tall grass. According to reports, Karina looked "surprisingly well" for someone who was lost in the woods of Siberia for 11 days. She was reunited with her family and is currently in the hospital recovering.

The name of the puppy who led the team of rescuers to Karina's location has not been released yet, but hopefully they will soon so we can start naming future puppies after this heroic creature.

You can watch video of the amazing search and rescue below:

(H/T Gawker)

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