True Blood's Sexy Hook-Up, Real Housewives of New Jersey's Big Fight & More OMG TV Moments

Catch up on the small screen's biggest moments from Sunday, Aug. 3

By Lauren Piester Aug 04, 2014 1:14 PMTags
True BloodHBO

Happy Sunday! Tonight, True Blood brought back a favorite character and a favorite (?) couple, while the drama between Nicole and Amber came to a head (of hair) at a costume party on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Meanwhile, Big Brother featured one of the most interesting Battle of the Block competitions of the season. All that and more went down tonight on your TV screens, so sit back, relax, and join us as we recap all the biggest moments! 

True Blood: So who's shocked at how that ended? Definitely not us. In her guilt over having infected Bill with Hep-V, Sookie showed up at his house in a little white dress and told him she'd stay with him to the end. She was soon rid of the little white dress, and they were doin' it on the floor.

Elsewhere in the episode, Adilyn and Wade were also doin' it while their parents searched for them like crazy. Unfortunately, their chosen spot for their sexcapades was Violet's sex dungeon, so she naturally took them as sex slaves. Luckily, Jessica and Adilyn are still blood-connected, so hopefully help is on the way. 

Plus, Hoyt's back! He showed up at Bellefleur's with his girlfriend, Bridget, before meeting with an "Officer Stackhouse" about his mother's death. Watching Jason pretend yet again—though this time in person—that he and Hoyt don't know each other was super sad, and it got even sadder when all Jason could focus on was how hot Bridget was.

Meanwhile, after she told them that Sarah was the cure but refused to give up her location, Eric staked Amber. He, Pam, and the Yakuza tracked Sarah down using satellites, while Sarah hung out at the Light of Day Institute, being haunted by the ghosts of lovers past.

Real Housewives of New Jersey: Another night, another raucous Housewives party. This time, as an added bonus, everyone was dressed as sexy fire fighters/police officers/doctors/etc. Nicole and Amber finally had their confrontation, and Amber quickly ended up with her hair stuck in Nicole's bracelets, sending the party into complete chaos. There were drinks thrown, and hair was lost. Some of the guys had to break up the fight, though the guys aren't exactly on good terms themselves. The episode ended, but the party didn't, so we'll have to see where things go next week! 


Big Brother: Last Thursday we said goodbye to Amber, so tonight we finally got to see Caleb unaffected by his "heart." Surprise! He's still annoying. However, he does seem to be getting back on the game he always thought he was playing.

Two of the seasons's most quietly intelligent players, Donny and Nicole, won HoH, and strategic groveling immediately began. Zach first tried reverse psychology by offering to let Nicole put him on the block, then took it back later. Caleb informed Donny that it would be a terrible idea to put him up, and he would especially not like to be put up with Victoria.

Nicole decided she wanted to backdoor Frankie, which is probably not the best plan, and is not likely to work, but it resulted in some amazing block nominations. Nicole put up Zach and Jocasta, while Donny (obviously) put up Caleb and Victoria. Best competition ever, right?

The BoB had contestants creating domino chains, with three dominos in each chain featuring punishments like "shave head" and "manure bath." Whoever gets themselves off the block has to do their punishments. Losers have to stay on the block, but they don't have to do any of their punishments. So basically, everybody loses. Both chains failed once, but miraculously, Caleb and Victoria managed to pull out a win, meaning Nicole is the sole HoH and Zach and Jocasta are staying on the block.

So what did you watch tonight? Are you glad to see Bill and Sookie back together (in some way) again? Do you think the men of RHONJ will have it out next week? Who do you think is winning Big Brother at this point? Sound off in the comments!

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