Big Brother Recap: Another House Guest Goes Home – Plus, the Most Boring HoH Competition of All Time

Is the reign of Devin finally over, or can Amber rest easy with Caleb out of the house? Find out now!

By Lauren Piester Jul 18, 2014 4:04 AMTags
Big Brother, Devin ShepherdCliff Lipson/CBS

Ding dong, the witch is dead! Of course, by "witch," we mean Devin, and by "dead," we mean finally evicted, as we assumed he would be. However, his demise didn't seem quite so sure for most of tonight's episode, as several house guests tried desperately to switch the target to Caleb's back. They failed, obviously, but it was a good try.

Jocasta continued to cry about how happy she was that Donny saved her, and Caleb gave up his blankets for the sleeping Amber, and whispered to Hayden that he thinks he'll totally win a date with her. Last we checked, a date with Amber was not a prize to be won in this game, or in any game.

Cody, meanwhile, continued his quest to get rid of Caleb, hoping he could convince enough people that Caleb should go instead of Devin. Cody just wants Caleb out so he can have Amber to himself, while Derrick is concerned about Caleb's crush becoming a liability, and Donny thinks Caleb's devotion could be useful. Every house guest discussed the possibility of Caleb going home, and many of them seemed on board. 

Speaking of Donny, the show took a little breather tonight to hang out with Donny's family. His parents don't watch the show. His dad likes Bonanza (though he's seen them all) and his mother isn't a fan of how Donny wears shorts on the show, when he never wears shorts at home. They're a bit tickled by the fact that house guests have thought Donny was an actor, a Navy Seal, and a college professor, just to name a few of his apparent professions.

Before the votes, Julie announced that there would be no Have Nots this week, and then announced to the audience that next week's Have Nots will be determined by their activity levels, which the audience can look at online.

For their defenses, Caleb, with a weirdly open shirt, thanked God and his parents and talked about being a cowboy, while Devin pointed out Caleb's final two plan with Amber, and said he would happily carry anyone to the finale and would not eat all the food. Great. Good try, Devin.

His pleas were completely futile though, and in the end, literally everyone voted Devin out of the house – even Cody, despite how badly he wanted Caleb gone. Devin didn't seem surprised, but he was surprised when in his exit interview, Julie told him that Donny was, in fact, just a groundskeeper. 

The HoH competition required houseguests to team up and move eggs across pieces of chicken wire into slots, and it was probably the most boring competition so far this summer. It took so long and was so uninteresting that not only did they keep cutting away, but we didn't even get to see who won before the live episode ended.

Who on earth thought that was an interesting idea for a live TV competition? Julie tried to tell us beforehand that it would be the most heated battle of the summer, but we have to disagree. Lame. 

Side notes: Hayden and Nicole are super cute, and a showmance we can actually get behind, as opposed to Amber's love triangle. Also, our new favorite thing this season is the continued skilled under-the-radar-ing of Victoria, whose only real contribution so far has involved pestering Frankie about his sister. We hope she's actually the best player in the house, and comes out of the woodwork soon with secret ninja skills or something. 

So who do you think will win HoH? Who do you hope will win? Why was that challenge so darn lame? Who do you think will emerge as the new force to be reckoned with, now that Devin is out of the house? Let us know in the comments! 

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