
Will Tina Fey Ever Make Her Way to Late-Night? "I'm Sorta Shy," the Comedian Says—Watch Now!

"I feel like I'd be too shy to talk to people every single day all day," she tells E! News.

By Bruna Nessif Mar 12, 2014 2:04 AMTags

How awesome would it be to turn on the TV and see Tina Fey hosting a late-night talk show every night?

E! News chatted with the funnywoman during the junket for her upcoming film Muppets Most Wanted and asked whether or not making the transition to late-night was something she'd consider doing, but unlike the rest of the world who thinks it's a great idea, the Saturday Night Live alum just doesn't think she has the skills that pals Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers have to make it work.

"I don't know if I would be good at it. The thing that makes Jimmy so good at it is he really, really loves talking to people. You can't walk down the street with him, he'll talk to everyone. I'm sorta shy, so I feel like I'd be too shy to talk to people every single day all day," she explained.

"And I think Seth is gonna do great with it, too, because he's just an amazing joke writer and also very smart. He could have a politician on, and in that Jon Stewart way, he could really talk to them about what's going on. I think it's a good pairing. Maybe I could take the 2-3 a.m. slot on NBC?"

We'd wait up for you, Tina. Although she's not too keen on the idea, she definitely had suggestions on other females that would be fit for the job (and you can probably take a wild guess as to who one of them is).

"I think Amy [Poehler] would make a great host. I always thought Ellen [DeGeneres]—before she had her daytime show. No one was listening to me at NBC, but I was like, 'Ellen should take The Tonight Show.'"

Or! What about a late-night show with Fey, Poehler and Ellen?! That's a genius idea. Let's get on that, please. Thanks.

—Reporting by Ali Fedotowsky

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