These Awesome Parents Spent Their Sleepless Nights Recreating Famous Movie Scenes With Their Baby

Lilly and Leon Mackie and baby Orson have used cardboard boxes to recreate films like Star Wars and Jurassic Park

By Jenna Mullins Dec 23, 2013 11:31 PMTags
Cardboard Box Office

As we sit around the holiday table this year enduring our mom asking why we're still single and our dad asking when we're going to get off his cell phone plan and pay our own bill, we can't help but wish that our parents were actually these guys.

Lilly and Leon Mackie had a new baby named Orson recently and they made a big move from New Zealand to Sydney, Australia. So they had lots of cardboard boxes, they had a newborn baby who probably wasn't sleeping through the night and they had a lot of time on their hands while said baby wasn't sleeping. So with those powers combined…

…you get Cardboard Box Office! Yes, these awesome parents are recreating iconic movie scenes using cardboard and their adorable baby. When it comes to creativity, Lilly and Leon go above and beyond the term "above and beyond."

Lily told Buzzfeed that after they posted the first picture ("The Life Domestic," an ode to The Life Aquatic), people were begging for more. 

"We wanted to depict our messy and sleep-deprived new life of raising a baby," she said. They've already done Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, among many others, but their dream movies include anything John Hughes and Leon "trying to find a way to sugarcoat" Goodfellas.

Parenting: They're doing it right.

Head over to their website to see Home Alone, Die Hard, Castaway and more awesome movie reenactments.

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