Sons of Anarchy and Person of Interest Make Major Kills! Look Back on TV's Most Shocking Deaths Ever

Lost, Breaking Bad, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more shows all have killed off series regular characters

By Jenna Mullins, Tierney Bricker Nov 20, 2013 8:30 PMTags
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Notice a lot of coworkers wearing black today?

That's because Tuesday night was basically one big ole funeral on the small screen as not one, but two shows killed off Major (and yes, that capital "M" is totally necessary) characters. And spoiler alert! We are going to reveal them right now, so get to walkin' if you've been slacking and letting episodes of your favorite shows pile up on your DVR!

Person of Interest made a bold and shocking move by killing off Detective Joss Carter (Taraji P. Henson) But that wasn't the night's biggest shocker as Sons of Anarchy, in its penultimate season (not even the finale, mind you) made our jaws hit the floor (so hard it left a dent!) when Clay (Ron Perlman) died at the hand (and gun) of Jax (Charlie Hunnam). No, we still haven't recovered from the episode, and yes, we've already booked an appointment to talk it out with our therapists.

While totally shocking, Clay's and Joss' deaths are far from the first big TV characters to bite the dust.

Shows have been manipulating our emotions and threatening our wellbeing for years by offing our beloved characters when we least expect it. Which Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan can ever say they've truly recovered from Joyce's death in season five? And raise your hand if you still get chills thinking about Rita lying dead in the bathtub on Dexter. (All of your hands should be raised, by the way.) And don't even get us started Grey's Anatomy's tearjerking sendoffs (Still miss you, Lexi!) or Game of Thrones' Red Wedding massacre.

To help ease the pain of TV's most recent losses, let's grieve together by looking back on some of TV's most shocking deaths ever, shall we?

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