Hot Mess Alert! Lena Dunham Dresses like Lena Dunhan...Again

The Girls star is back to her mix-matched, too baggy, odd-ball fashion ways

By JJ Moore Oct 10, 2013 6:26 PMTags
Lena DunhamMejia-Ford/Splash News

We knew it was too good to be true.

Last week we wrote about how totally sophisticated Lena Dunham looked in a red leather coat and simple black cocktail dress. Then she stepped out in this...disaster. Is this combo actually intentional?! Sorry but no amount of love for the writer/director/actresses' many talents can stop us from crying hot mess on this mix-matched look.

Frankly, we don't know which part of the outfit is most horrid, so we'll just start at the bottom and work our way up.

Are those orthopedic shoes the Girls star is wearing? If so, our grandma has cuter ones. The black-and-white checked ombre pants are somewhat on trend, but they also remind us of Hot Topic merchandise from the '90s. Plus, they're totally ruined by the blue floral button down. Did she grab this garb at the Iowa State 1962?!

Rumor has it, the HBO actress wore this look to milk a cow for a comedy sketch, so we can only hope the look is part of the gag.

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